Best way to oxygenate nutrients.


Hey all, I'm starting my first grow in the next few months and I'm just charting out the course so I can start building. I'm looking for a small one pot hydroponic system with no substrate. I think deep water culture is the simplest method that I can easily. But I'm so scared of doing it wrong and killing the roots. Just the idea that they will constantly be in water/nute solution is mind boggling.

So I want to make sure that while they will be in water at least they're airated as well as could be. I'm keep a few aquariums as a hobby of mine and over the course of the year have built and experimented with a bunch of things for it, one of which is co2 diffusion. I built a small impeller with a motor from radioshack and I have a huge bottle of yiest fermenting to make the co2, which runns into the impeller. Once it hits the blade it gets broken up into _tiny_ bubbles.

As I was building the impeller I would test it, and what I noticed is that if it's not fully submerged then it pulls in air from the atmosphere and does the same thing with oxygen. For co2 at leat I know that the smaller the bubble and the more of them the better it gets disolved into the water. This is like a holy grail of aquarium husbandry, who has the best co2 diffuser, and there are many creative ones out there.

I was just wondering if that would work and deliver enought oxygen, or in general what home made method/ not too expensive, method would? I would have two of these guys running in a container about 6 - 10 in in diameter. I actually prefer not to use an airstone as I know for a fact those things don't do much. When I get high co2 levels in my tank the fish start breathing harder and no matter if I turn on 3 air stones, it doesn't help. I have to change the water.

So yea thats my question.