Best way to pevent or remove the smell of weed after a harvest?

Kief Moon

Active Member
My buddy and I recently harvested some OG & as expected, we stunk like weed. This time we wore Tyvek suits & rubber gloves. After going home, taking a couple showers, putting on clean clothes & a little coverup cologne the scent of weed was still detectable. I usually stay away from people for a day or two after but that's not always possible. Tyvek is not working cuz all my clothes under the suit wreaked. And it's seems to be even on our breath. The next step seems to be full on hazmat suits that don't breathe with a hood, goggles and a respirator. This would suck cuz it's already hot as hell in the Tyvek suits with only shorts and a t-shirt. Please help! What tips or tricks are you guys using?


Well-Known Member
I just use gloves. And change my clothes after a long hot shower.
In fact I glove up any time I touch the plants.

Other than harvest I avoid touching my plants after the 3rd week of flower.

I think you need strong soap and shampoo as well.


Well-Known Member
Like those woman in the Cocaine fields ....... work naked, or work in a breeze way

Kief Moon

Active Member
Yeah, maybe need to find a better soap. I don't really have a problem during flower. A shower and clean cloths does it, but harvest is brutal.

Sorry, naked and my trim bro's? Not happenin! LOL


Well-Known Member
I just harvest then go out let people look at me I could give a fuck less. you go to work smell like tires or French fry or dirty shoes. so what the difference .


Well-Known Member
anyone ever run out of cigs or a drink or whatever while smoking then when youre in the store realize you got a fan leaf stuck to you :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
anyone ever run out of cigs or a drink or whatever while smoking then when youre in the store realize you got a fan leaf stuck to you :bigjoint:
Yup! I was standing in line to check out in a grocery store, back around 20 yrs ago when some dude, i didn't even know, informed me of the leaf on my back. I was so RED in the face! Sketchy as fuck! I remember like it was yesterday. I don't think i've done it again since? :bigjoint:

But if you DON'T stink like a mofo for a while after trimming, you must have just got done trimming on some boo-boo, or your sniffer doesn't work.