Best way to treat your tap water for soil grow?


Well-Known Member
Fill a bucket up with tab water, hook up an air stone and pump to it, let it sit out and aerate for 24 hrs. This will evap the chlorine and you should be good. If your area uses supplemental fluoride in there water I'm not sure about how to get rid of that. But if its just some chlorine you should be good to go! Also after you mix your nutes let it sit for a minute.... some nutes have pH buffers in them that take a minute to balance out... after a minute or two then pH your solution correctly and water away!


Well-Known Member
I personally pour water out of the tap into my water container.

Then I mix my nutes and leave for at least an hour.

Then I pH my solution.

Then I feed.



Well-Known Member
They use chloramine in water nowadays and it doesn't dissipate like chlorine so leaving it out for 24 hours is virtually useless...
Unless you add a de-chlorinator the chloramine isn't going anywhere.. Make sure the de-chlorinator removes chlorine, chloramine, and ammonia...

You should test your water cause i use my tap water straight from the faucet and have never had a problem...
(a little chlorine wont harm the plant at all)


Well-Known Member
I have a PUR filter attached to my kitchen faucet. Fill with it. Sit out a day. Add nutes when usng them. Ph to 6.5. Feed.


Well-Known Member
I feed my plants daily with nutes in the daily watering - veg and flower. I mix the nutes in the gallon jug and add a small drop of Dawn detergent. The Dawn makes the water wetter by breaking down the size of the drops of water. As a result the water permeates the soil better. Works for me, BigSteve.