Best way to utilise my QB's and strips in new setup

Hi There,

I've gathered a few types of different HLG and Samsung LED's over the past year, my current setup is not ideal so I plan on changing it around. I have space for up to (W)1.8m x (L) (2.4), I was thinking of doing a single 4x8 setup to keep it real simple but I'm open to suggestions for using the extra space. I found that I need to run my QB96's nice and hot to keep the room warm as it is generally cold where I live, so that is something I need to consider as I'd prefer not to need a heater during light on

Currently I have..

4 x HLG QB135w R-Spec v2 (2 x 240w Drivers)
6 x HLG QB96v2 + Heatsinks
6 x Samsung LM301b/LM351H Double Row Strips (DIYLED Scope V2 Strips)
28 x Samsung LM561 4000k Strips Double Row Strips (Arrow bargin could not say no)

2 x XLG-200-H-AB (Spare)
6 x DELTA LNE-185WDAA-54v (1 per QB96)

Looking forward to some suggestions :)
So I drew up a little plan for the 4x8 table..

I have 31sq ft of canopy so I need around 1100w of LED, I'm thinking of running 6 Strips per 500mm frame each powered by the XLG-200-H-AB's which should work out to around 30w per strip and have a nice mixed spectrum.

Any ideas on improving the layout? Also will I be okay running the 6 strips from that driver?

Screenshot from 2021-02-05 01-13-49.png
Id lose the strips in flower, its a vegg spectrum and would probably go better in your veg section. Also they would have to hang much lower than the qbs and likely to make shorter plants.

You can fairly easily cover a 4x8 with what you got, especially since you got single boards which makes it easier to spread the light.

Not entirely familiar with the delta drivers, fwiw the qb96 needs 55V to reach 185w. Id probably just do one 4x4 with 6 qb96 on 3 of those delta drivers, running each qb96 around 90w and put your other 4 r-specs on the other side.
And that way you also have a nice side-by-side