Best ways to get the Highest Yield~!!


Active Member
i need to know what ways can give you a big yield and how/why it works.



Super Cropping





or if there is any other simple tricks that would be useful to know. tell me please. :leaf:


Active Member
Seriously man do some reading...there are shit tons of articles already on this site alone, not counting the web as a whole. Once you have learned about the different techniques on your own, then come back and ask specific questions. Your post here is just too broad...

tip top toker

Well-Known Member

What bigv and turdnugget state. Get reading and get learning and get experience under your belt. There is no simple solution to a good yield of good quality, takes time to learn why you're doing what you're doing.


Misguided Angel
And no need to double post... Just read and read. Don't get your expectations too high especially for a first grow or you will more than likely be dissapointed with the results. My first grow I got barely over a quarter oz a plant! Now I pull multiple oz's off just a single plant. The best way to learn is to actually do it, you will learn what not to do pretty easily.


Well-Known Member
Good advice ^^
The only real way you will learn is trial and error.
A grow room is a start. Maybe a light, a fan, some pots and clones, some cheap dry food.
Just make your room be able to grow all year round. Grow in the summer and winter and you will find out how this game is played. If your arent getting over a pound a light your not doing it right.


Well-Known Member
Keep your plants as healthy as possible, keep the canopy even as possible, avoid overcrowding, or open spaces,(meaning,...evenly spaced colas, across your growroom) and run as much light as possible. Training methods are optional.



Active Member
And no need to double post... Just read and read. Don't get your expectations too high especially for a first grow or you will more than likely be dissapointed with the results. My first grow I got barely over a quarter oz a plant! Now I pull multiple oz's off just a single plant. The best way to learn is to actually do it, you will learn what not to do pretty easily.
i didnt realise this post was actually made my bad guys...

really tho what i was trying to say is.. for any of you have you tried any of these techniques and what do u like best and such

Agent Provocateur

Well-Known Member
I fimmed and used LST on my first grow, got 2 big colas instead of one as a result and got rewarded with 8oz dry off 2 WW plants, so i thought not bad for a first grow, so much as im doing it again with this one, using only biobizz nutes and soil with a touch of epsom salts and molasses when switching to 12/12. But i guess its all trial and error and the fun trying. At least i've learnt some mistakes from my first grow and now hopefully these plants will look better and not so stretchy as last time :D You will see in first journal i didnt start out right, i germinated my seeds on my window sill lol, so they ended up a bit lanky and stretched before i got round to sorting the set up. I also didnt start LST early enough so i had sporadic ties holding everything together with a few garden canes thrown in for good measure:bigjoint: This time its sorted from the start, with fimming and LST started early so the canopy will be more even- hope this helps in any way :D

GL and get stuck in i say :D:weed:

Agent xx