Best ways to tell someone to pass the bowl


Well-Known Member
post em if u got em. the funnier the better. i need some new punchlines to try on my girlfriend. she's always campin!


Well-Known Member
The only time I get annoyed is if its my weed and A blunt or a Joint is being flamed.

And even then Im not like "Dude!" smack smack "pass the L/J"

and look like a dick.

Ill be more subtle and be like

"are ya gonna hit that buddy?"

and make him look stupid.

but if its a bowl.
then I really don't mind.

I'm not a addict.


Well-Known Member
"hurry the fuck up!"

of course that would be rude but i toke with the kind of ppl that wouldnt mind they just laff. i wouldnt recomend this one if ur with ppl you are worried about offending, or ppl who will not get that you are saying this in a comedial context.


Well-Known Member
just dont pass it to them again when they ask you tell them why,

also if the guy or girl is smaller than you try a good smack


Active Member
Put (SKII) at the end of everything you say,

"Yo' man pass the bowlskii."

"Is that DroSkii?"

Say with Emphasis
"Yo! Lets get High"


Active Member
haha Im so glad I came back on this thread, Thats exactly what Im sayin, I got a really good high going on.:)