

so,this is what i did. Boiled about 2g of weed to try and decarboxylate it for maybe 30 minutes,i then strained the weed and simmered it in some 3% fat milk with a pinch of butter for 2 hours,now the milk had a layer on top,(dont know if thats of any significance )so any way even though it kinda worked i feel like something went wrong and i didnt get ripped enough...any ideas?


Well-Known Member

my thread has detailed this out.

if you make yourself a double boiler and keep the flame low after hitting the boiling point you will essentially avoid that milk layer.

when you hit the milk layer on top you're too hot, and the protein is breaking down.

the milk alone has enough fat to capture the thc to the point where it would get you high as fuck.

make sure you grind the bud up next time and do the steps I suggested.