BHO Once in a lifetime opportunity


Hello, im new here but i would like to share some of what i have learned. I have been very lucky/fortunate to come into a situation that allowed me to explore the BHO extraction world with great quatities and various parts of the plant, along with various brands of butane also have experimented with the aparataus that you use to extract the THC.....I have done some homework and have come to some very good conclusions on how to get the most THC extracted with the minimal amount of butane needed to extract latest batch i messed with was a 30lb of romulan shake...this particular strain tested 68.8%THC concentrated and that is my low end.....i have also found that different strains will produce different products i.e, indicas tend to finish very thick and gooey where as sativas will tend to be lighter in color and more waxey in texture...oh and the indicas are very dark...i have been very lucky to be able to obtain 5x butane at a price that allows me to delve in this venture...i will post some pics after my next batch....*also* the strain, the dryness, the part of the plant you use, and the materials, and the butane all will affect the taste and experience you have with it....also before i forget, the amount of butane you run through your material does affect the color, texture, and quality. the first run through the material is the most dont forget that what you use for proccessing your product makes a big difference.....I have found a very cheap and efficient way to get the most out of your product example in smaller scales: lets say 3gr of product, usually if your lucky you might get 1gr and thats saying alot, and usually you tend to use 1 or 2 cans to try and get that...but dont fear, i have found the way to get back almost half of what you put in.(indicas tend to yield more in return as where sativas tend not to return as much...The key is *pressure,temp, and imagination*. Make sure you use 5x food grade butane anything less will leave unsavory tastes to the product and leave you with a bad experience....i started out using 3/4in pvc tubing with rubber banded coffee filter on 1 end and cap and hole on the other...this was ok to start out with but i quickly found the butane would evaporate out too fast and the pressure the gas produced was too much for the filter....i had the same problem with 1 1/2 i needed to go with something that can hold that pressure and also it had to hold the temp so that the butane would stay in liquid form longer in order to pull the THC from the plant more efficiently. i went with 2in steel tubing with cheese cloth filter and here is the need to understand that the butane works its best in liquid form and the gas pressure helps move it along...but since the 2in steel can hold the pressure, all you need to do is drill and tap the bottom threaded plug to fit a 1/4in ball valve.....the reason being is that you can fill you tube with liquid butane and have the liquid do its work and once you have filled it with atleast 3 cans, give the tube a few shakes and when your ready, slowly open the bottom valve and let the pure goldness ooze out and its best if you have something holding the tubing for you cause 2ft of 2in steel tubling can get quite heavy and cold after some time....and now just leave it be and pay attention to the pressure and the color if the pressure begins to slow and the color of the drops are showing some yellow in it, you can close the valve and put in another can. if the liquid is coming out white then leave it till it stops dripping and your can basically process a 1/4lb of product through each tube and it takes 3-4 cans per tube, and your yield is from 10-14 the 1lb wich is 4 tubes+(3-4cans)1case= 43-50gr varies depending on i think thats a nice return for the amount used to process.....the only draw back to the whole thing is that u cannot rush it...if you let it drip all out you will get the most out of next project is to efficiently process 100lbs of trim without wasting alot of butane to try and flush this trim.....the first 30lbs was from good bud trim....this 100lbs has alot of non essential material i.e.(leaves)...maybe it would help everyone to understand how lucky i am to be able to do this....i get top notch butane at the cost of 3$ a can(instead of 12$ a can) and this is not a cheap brand of am just lucky to have found them for this price but its not going to last forever, dudes gonna run out very forgive me if i had flooded my area with top quality wax for cheap...instead of the normal $50-70 a gram with a THC % of about %45-60...I am proud to say that i gave em earwax tested at 68%,1.68CBd and .18CBN....and i gave it for $30 a gram.

im sure you would want to know how this could apply in a smaller scale and still get good results...just scale down and you dont have to use a ball valve...just drill a hole on both sides just big enough to fit the nozzle in it can mess around with various sizes and lengths but it needs to be able to hold the pressure....i use a 10in long 1/4dia steel pipe with threaded caps, and that is good for about 3gr of good stuff and get back close to half and you only use a third of a can of butane to obtain it. trust me it works......the most ive managed to yield from 1lb was 2 oz of wax but i used 4 cases of i can process the same amount with the same end in results but only using 2 cases and a couple more cans to get the same amount as i did with 4 that is a way to get the most out of your stuff...
the reason for the ball valve is to seal off the tube and with the tubes ability to stay cold, it will stay as a liquid in the tube, effectively utilizing the coldness to extract the THC, this soak in a high pressure tube allows for maximum extraction....i know im not mentioning the little details in the process, but what i pointed out are the key things but by no means the only thing....i hope this helps anyone wanting to do a large yeild, but i dont know what you would do about the cost of with that and if anyone has any qustions that pertains to the BHO extraction process please ask me, i have gone through the common mistakes and then wait for the pics and enjoy.
I get OZ's of wax for 200 lol

30 a gram is really nice of you tho, especially if you are in Cali. I've seen shit go for 70-80 a gram there...
A lot of information in this post. You are doing what I want to be doing, but actually have the means. I want to see pics!! Love it man!
Thanks guys and i will post some pics throughout this week to show the different proccesses and outcomes from my trials......and you would have to look at this as a once in a lifetime chance and believe me ive been wanting to do this for years and when i saw the opportunity to do it, i couldnt help myself but do it.....i'll keep ya'll posted...
This sounds killer. Can we see some of your finished products? You are talking about doing 30lb runs? I hope you have your purging down to a T. Because with that much oil, you're bound to have higher levels of trapped tane. Fucking sounds awesome though, waiting for the pics!
there is no trapped tane, alot of that has to do with the quality of tane and how much time you work the finish product....there are multiple ways to work the product to make sure all the tane is out. i use a combination of heat gun, heat lamps, and heating pad for overnight drying, and also a vacuum chamber to make sure...believe me i have gone through all the mistakes and have learned from them, i just happen to be lucky enough to do all this in the time given and at the price.....ohhh and also why would you want a whole oz of wax anyway,,i get tired of the ssame stuff day in and day out.....but i can see why and i can why i get tired of the same thing...oh by the way i have also tried a ISO finishing technique to help make the wax hit even smooother...much less on the coughing...thats my latest ease the hit and make it more enjoyable...i should do a high times interview or something lol...
there is no trapped tane, alot of that has to do with the quality of tane and how much time you work the finish product....there are multiple ways to work the product to make sure all the tane is out. i use a combination of heat gun, heat lamps, and heating pad for overnight drying, and also a vacuum chamber to make sure...believe me i have gone through all the mistakes and have learned from them, i just happen to be lucky enough to do all this in the time given and at the price.....ohhh and also why would you want a whole oz of wax anyway,,i get tired of the ssame stuff day in and day out.....but i can see why and i can why i get tired of the same thing...oh by the way i have also tried a ISO finishing technique to help make the wax hit even smooother...much less on the coughing...thats my latest ease the hit and make it more enjoyable...i should do a high times interview or something lol...

Yes I understand there are many ways to purge the tane. When you said you were doing a 30lb run....I thought you meant you had one extraction tube filled with 30lbs....but now I'm like durrr that's not physically possible. I HATE having a shitload of only one type of oil. That's why I make 14g batches with different stuff. Glad we on the same page, but you see where I was coming from....kinda impossible to correctly purge 3lbs of oil in one run...HA!

As for the decarb, you saying after you purge you stick in the oven at 220 for 10-15 minutes?
Your using to much butane if your using more than 1 can for every oz of material. Oh and butane is a very high solvent. Meaning the longer you let in sit in the material your blasting means the more plant matter the butane resolves and ends up in your oil. Don't let it sit.
You never know lol I was just going through the old ass posts. Just seeing what topics were around lol I didn't expect anyone to reply ever. But betterto have correct into on here for people who scroll llike me