jeff f
New Member
they pass this law under the gise of "seeks to make consumers bear the brunt of clean up costs for the bags". dont consumers already pay to have their trash taken out? of course they do.
the only reason they do this is to steal from you. there will be no difference in the landfill that is used, where the bags go, how they are handled...nope nothing. now they will just sit back and collect there nickel.
and anickel sounds insignificant. judging by the fact when i go for groceries i usually have about 20 of those bags, that money will add up in a hurry.
not to even mention that the grocery store now has to carry bigger, more expensive bags (will be passed on with grocery bill) but many stores will have to completely redo their isles to accomodate other bulkier type bags. guess who will bear the cost of that? yep consumers YOU.
now for all you do gooders who believe evertime a plastic bag leaves a store a dolphin dies, who do you think this nickel is going to hurt the most? yes, the POOR PEOPLE YOU CLAIM TO LOVE.
thank God there are no poor people in wahsington dc.
i have seen the enemy....and he resides in our govt buildings. thanks for nothing big brother....
they pass this law under the gise of "seeks to make consumers bear the brunt of clean up costs for the bags". dont consumers already pay to have their trash taken out? of course they do.
the only reason they do this is to steal from you. there will be no difference in the landfill that is used, where the bags go, how they are handled...nope nothing. now they will just sit back and collect there nickel.
and anickel sounds insignificant. judging by the fact when i go for groceries i usually have about 20 of those bags, that money will add up in a hurry.
not to even mention that the grocery store now has to carry bigger, more expensive bags (will be passed on with grocery bill) but many stores will have to completely redo their isles to accomodate other bulkier type bags. guess who will bear the cost of that? yep consumers YOU.
now for all you do gooders who believe evertime a plastic bag leaves a store a dolphin dies, who do you think this nickel is going to hurt the most? yes, the POOR PEOPLE YOU CLAIM TO LOVE.
thank God there are no poor people in wahsington dc.
i have seen the enemy....and he resides in our govt buildings. thanks for nothing big brother....