Big Bud & Hollands Hope AutoPot 1st indoor grow with pics


Active Member
Ok so not really my first grow, my 2nd. My first that isn't gonna end in disaster though;)

Have set up a new grow room which you can check out here.

So one week ago I put 2 Big Bud and 2 Holland Hope from SensiSeeeds in for germination using the paper towel method in a airtight plastic container wrapped in aluminium foil and left on a heat mat.

Within about 4 day one of the Holland hope had about 1" of a tap root and I transplanted to pre-PH'd rockwool and popped it into a propagator with some very mild nutes and placed on a heat mat in my clone box (under 6x20w cold cfl's) After a week this is how she is looking.


Now I have never gown in rockwool before and now the tap root is coming out the bottom I'm wondering what is my next step? Should I put some mild feed inthe tray and let the roots develop some more in the propagtor or do I transplant to the next medium now?


Now the other 3 seeds have been in the same container under the same conditions and they are only cracked with not a whole lot else going on, any ideas?



Active Member
Bad news.

Could not sleep last night so I turned the fans for the clone box off for a few hours.

6x20w CFL + 2 x heat matts in a 20" x 30" mylar lined box with no fan = bad times.

The one seedling that has sprouted is we and truly BROWN, If it survives I'll be amazed. Such a stupid thing to do

This is how she's looking.

The container the seeds were in was also pretty hot, so theres also the chance that I've steamed them
. They still look the same cracked with a tiny head poking out but no big roots like the other. Anyone any ideas on how I can spur them on?

I'm going to try 4 more seeds tonight using the drop in water method to see if I can get better results.

Still looking for some advice on what to do with the seedling in the rockwoool cube, do I keep i in the propagator another while (considering the scorching I gave it, or do I move it to a small pot?)

Thanks again.


Active Member
So the seedling died and the 3 other seeds halted at where they were I think I steamed them

Total plank!

Anyway I have another 4 Hollands Hope and 3 Big Bud germinating right now.

Going to muy some Canna Coco Nutes as don't want the hassle of messing around with the Aqua stuff I got, I'll keep that for some other time. (might do a wilma grow next time and use up the nutes and clay pebbles

Now my two local grow shops stock either u-gro coco (€18) or playgron coco (€15) does anyone have any thoughts on these brands as I can't find a whole lot about them online.


Active Member
So went with the plagron and the Canna nutes.

I'm going to use the AirDomes on this grow (I might leave them out on 1-2 pots just to compare but I don't want to experiment too much on my first grow). I have also filled the bottom of the pot with about 1" clay pebbles to [COLOR=#009900 !important]stop[/COLOR] root rot.

Now here is my question. Do I have to mix the coco with Perlite for aeration, can I use some clay pebbles instead? Do I even have to mix it at all?

Answers on a postcard.


Active Member
And so I'm sorry to report to anyone that cared that I ended up killing all my seeds in the grow due to me being a retard. :(

I have however got some womder woman and ak48 seeds and started a new grow which you can follow here.

whoop whoop