Big bust in CA :( 1300 plants :(


Well-Known Member
Just saw this thought it sucked check it out there boned :(


this is sad so don't watch if you don't want... everyone be careful


Well-Known Member
The reporter had like 3 wet colas in his hand and said it was worth $4500. I'd like to know who is buying from him.


Well-Known Member
What a bunch of fucks. Have a grow house right next to a school? fucking retarded. $4000 monthly electric bill? fucking retarded. Stealing power also and still having a 4k electric bill, even fuckin more retarded. Its people like this that make me feel safe.

And let me just put this out there. I know a few people that moved to my area from cali, and I make sure to let them know that they a fucking ruining this for the rest of the country. Go ahead and burn down houses with your shitty electrical skills and show the rest of the country why this shit should be illegal. Go ahead and take advantage of a system that most people are trying to legalize to enjoy a good smoke, yes take advantage of it. You are all douchebags, and if anyone on this forum grows like this then please shoot yourself in the head. Thanks and bye.


Well-Known Member
This is what the feds go after and pple so paranoid about 3plants in a closet.
they fucked up.

I like how police raise the value like its stock that just hit it big.
4500 suck my dick


Well-Known Member
they make 1300 plants and 2 houses sound like a major drug ring. they have NO fucking clue what's really going on do they?


Well-Known Member
why is it disturbing that they were next to a school and nobody knew? sounds like they were being pretty safe. other than the power thing.


Well-Known Member
Funny thing, there was a bust around here a few years back where a couple of dudes where growing about 10 plants next to a creak in sandy soil. The pigs pull the entire plant from the ground, roots and all. Paper said they found around 90lbs of pot. hahahahhahahahahahah 80lbs of it was probably sand and roots. Because you know.... we smoke the entire plant.


Well-Known Member
Dont you love how they always just make up some MILLION DOLLAR out of the AIR ESTIMATE on how much bud is worth?? They try to put it on the same level as Heroin and Coke MILLIONS OF DOLLARS HERE!! annual value of 5 mil? STFU the media is so full of SHIT!!


Well-Known Member
Fdd2blk, ya they were not being complete idiots but I mean really.. An illegal grow like that probably netted them a mil a year. Dont you guys think they are pushing it a little? Again they just give everyone else a bad reputation.


Well-Known Member
that bud homeboy had in his hand was a onion maybe 2oz max.
4500 im still cracking up on that.

Heroin aint even worth 4500 a oz.


Well-Known Member
Young Jeezy "The Recession" The intro song says "Its so fucked up that you get more time for pot than murder."


Well-Known Member
Maybe it was some REALLY FINE dank. I'm hella pissed, I was just down there Monday, and my last bud's all dried out and half gone, I'm gonna go ahead and smoke the rest today. I really get whiney when I run out. :lol:


Well-Known Member
:wall: Yeah 4500.00 for an onion seems steep...and yeah they lived there so It wasn't the most thought out grow ever...with that kinda money..and balls for that matter,they could have and should have gone remote on both houses I'm still not sure how you can do a grow that big indoors it was a big house, but no way to hide nasty power consumtion...anyway it sucks if it was legal none of us would have to risk going to jail and yeah that guy that molest little kids will get out so you can serve 2 years for a crime with no victims...and yeah what the hell were they doing for a year? eating dognuts on our dime!!!


Well-Known Member
Since marijuana is illegal, it is not a victimless crime. I have been robbed, shot at, and knew someone who was murdered when he was robbed for his pot. If you have ever been locked up for possesion, you are now a victim of the justice system. what about the families of everyone who was locked up for drug possesion? there are victims lots of em !!!! It takes 1yr for the cops to find the address, 1 day for the bust,and a wild imagination to get the weight and value. Marijuana needs to be legalized for the victims of a huge blunder.... "prohibition"


Well-Known Member
Young Jeezy "The Recession" The intro song says "Its so fucked up that you get more time for pot than murder."
it's actually real g shit well thats really unheard of
when you get more time for selling dope than murder "crazy world:weed:

he was talking about real dope.. but i get what u saying tho