Big momma died!!! What can i do?

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
So I've been growing this strain of white rhino for 4 years and my mama died while I was on vacation. I had repotted her because she was rootbound and did some root trimming and I guess I went to far. All her offspring are 4 weeks into flowering with buds on every branch. I'm not sure if I got the skill to get a clone to revert to veg at this point. I have hermie seeds from a light leak but I don't want to rely on them. Should I try colloidial silver or maybe try to reveg a couple after harvest? This plant hermies easily enough from stress so I want to avoid reinforcing the hermie gene.
What would you guys do if you were this close to loosing some good genetics?


Well-Known Member
Cloning from a flowering plant is just as easy as cloning from a veggin' plant, it just takes longer to root.
Clone that shit if it's that good!

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
Thanks!!! Man you responded quick. I've always thought it was suppose to be hard to clone during advanced flowering. Here's some pics to show them. They're about 4 weeks into flowering. It's a white rhino that's leaves look completely sativa but the stone is complete couchlock indica and you trip out in your head bigtime!



Active Member
I tried cloning White Russian after 3 wks of flower. They rooted no problem but never would grow. I kept them for almost two months and all they did was make the remaining leaves dark dark green. Eventually the leaves started to get crusty and I threw them out. Hope you have better luck.


Well-Known Member
Nice man! Yea you can totally save that strain. I had some Bubba kush I cloned 8 weeks into flower because I didn't wanna lose it (still growin' it today) it took 3 weeks to root though, then another 4 weeks to revert to normal veg growth, but definately worth it.


Well-Known Member
Same history here. I don't even have moms anymore I take my cuttings from flowering plants, usually at week 2 but it's safe to do it anytime. They grow very big and bushy all the time.

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
Well I cut 4 clones off of her so its on... i think I might try colloidal silver next time around when i flower their offspring i've had my nose buried in my reference books... i'm a biology major and there is decent evidence that that method doesn't necessarily increase hermieability. It's disputed but its always good to have a seed stock to fall back on and there are times where i really need it because with my work i could be away from my grow for weeks at a time and whenever i leave them in someone elses care this shit happens! So i guess I'll try to track the survivability of these clones in case it helps anyone else. I cut buds off of 2 of the clones as a little experiment. 1 drop of superthrive and a few drops of aquashield to help out building they're defenses. Thanks for the advice and I hope they make it.


Well-Known Member
Just re veg one at the end of flowering. I just did a GHS Lemon Skunk and it took about 2 month's before I could clone her. Check my signature for some pics!!


Well-Known Member
Hey pal, I was looking some pictures of previous grows and reminded this tread, wanted to upload this for your peace of mind.

jah 012COMP.jpg

Cheers :)

psychedelic son

Well-Known Member
Sweet! Good to see I cut 4 clones off to be on the safe side and they're looking good so far its great seeing that its been done successfully by others.