Big Newbie: Can you help me find the right strain?

I’m hoping this experienced group can help me find the right strain for me. I suffer from anxiety and stress, and am looking for a good uplifting strain to help with those qualities. I’ve been reading alot about different terpenes as well. I have very low THC tolerance, and don’t really need any high THC strains. I’d also like to avoid any couch-lock, and appetite stimulating effects.

Based on my research, I believe I’m looking for a moderate THC, “higher than 0%” CBD strain, with limonene and linalool in higher percentages. But, I’m pretty new at this, so could be wrong.

I’d like to be able to find seeds of a strain and grow them myself, indoors in coco. I have a green thumb and have grown tons of stuff, but am new to MJ cultivation (so would like to avoid the monsters that grow to the ceiling, maybe an autoflower). I’ve considered Harlequin and ACDC. I’ve tried Cherry Gelato and GSC, both are really nice, but they hit pretty strong.

MORE BACKGROUND: I live in a “non-friendly” state, with no med-MJ options. I’ve driven 8 hours to neighboring states to try and get advice, but the recreational dispensaries don’t offer much medical related assistance. One just told me that sativa is for day and indica is for night. That was it. I tried about a dozen different dispensaries before getting a little discouraged. I went online to continue my research and hopefully find a seed bank that would ship to me, but most of the strains seem to be centered more around marketing than around describing their medical benefits. One site would have a strain, say Wedding Cake, that seemed to work ok, while another site would have Wedding Cake with a description that would appear to not help at all. So not really sure if those versions are different, or if it’s just marketing differences. So would prefer some more experienced people. And, rather than relying on dispensaries, I figured it was safer to take the “medicine in my own hands."
Bubba Kush or crosses with Bubba Kush in it might be a good option if you don't want overly potent.

Really the best way to find something is to try a bunch of things and see what works best for you.

Also consider that, you might not have a high tolerance now, but after more regular use that could change.

Most google searches are going to lead you to seed selling websites that mostly won't be very helpful (it is more marketing speak than helpful medical advice)
I'd like to quickly note that you can still look into o indicas without the worry of couch lock . Pay more attention to terpene profile it's give u a wider variety of options. The whole sativa means up indica is down theory destroys the opportunity for u to possibly find the perfect strain . I've had sativas knock me on my ass
Bubba Kush or crosses with Bubba Kush in it might be a good option if you don't want overly potent.

Thanks for the suggestion! I’ll check it out.

Really the best way to find something is to try a bunch of things and see what works best for you.

I appreciate that. I was hoping to avoid taking like 4 or 5 different strains across state lines on an 8+ hour one way drive to a dispensary. Or spending 12 weeks growing your own only to say “yeah that’s not for me.” As all that’s available locally is non-descriptive “weed.” But I know, you’re right.

Thanks for the advice!
You need to relax and stop over thinking it.

Oh for sure! You’ve discovered my kryptonite, lol

I was just thinking, if I’m bringing in seeds to grow my own, why not target 2 or 3 strains that others that have more experience than I would recommend?

I fully get your point though.
Classic blue dream has medium THC and a very nice body buzz as well. You can find it in an autoflower variety fairly easy. Classic strains made Autoflower will most likely be your best option, but if your sensitive to THC, I'd recommend staying away from some of the newer strains. With repeated crossings and today's market primarily focusing on High THC, you'll most likely find yourself inducing anxiety, paranoid or just uncomfortable and displeased.

Terpenes matter greatly, but cannabanoid profile does equally as well. It sounds like you'd benefit most from a balanced cannabanoid profile. Yes CBD can make you drowsy, but it also counter-acts the THC. Add the right Terpene with it and it can give you a stimulating effect that's calming and therapeutic.

These 3 terps should help you, but its worth noting that combination and concentration is really what matters. Dont be discouraged if a strain has a terp in it thats counter productive to your desired outcome. Pay attention to the percentages. A little myrcene can help with the "calming effect", but if myrcene is a dominant value, couch lock is where your headed. So play around with combinations and dont rule out a strain because it has an undesired Terpene. I'd focus on these 3 to be the dominant to find the effects your after.

You sound like you've done some research on the matter, but I'll leave this reference. It lists known strains and terpenes.

There are certain cannabis breeders that breed “type 2 and type 3” strains - which have different THC/CBD ratios, and strains with high amount of other cannabinoids and lower THC - like Hoku seed company. I’d check out some of these alternative strains and breeders if you’re more sensitive to THC and looking for a gentler experience.

Also, remember that dose can be changed if you find something with with nice effect, but too potent. Keep in kind that you will also build a faster tolerance to some strains than others, and it’s not always super predictable. I’d grab a few varieties with different cannabinoid profiles to see what jives best with you, and then look to branch out with some similar strains. Keep reading through other threads for recommendations too.

Everyone’s body chemistry is a little different, so not everyone will like the same things. I can relate a bit to your struggle. I’ve never been to a dispo either, and my area just went legal last year. For 20 years it was either “street weed” or take the risk and grow your own. I can send you some free seeds I made if you just want to try something (Vintner’s Moonshine - indica dominant moderately potent medical strain).
Terpenes matter greatly, but cannabanoid profile does equally as well. It sounds like you'd benefit most from a balanced cannabanoid profile. Yes CBD can make you drowsy, but it also counter-acts the THC. Add the right Terpene with it and it can give you a stimulating effect that's calming and therapeutic.

So this is very much the direction the research I was doing was pointing me in, and it’s incredibly refreshing to read. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out!

The issue that I’ve found is more “where the rubber meets the road.” So I’ve read Cannabis Pharmacy by Michael Backes, along with maybe two dozen online articles and papers, and they all do a really good job of describing how THC in combination with CBD, and certain terpenes, and overall cannabanoid profile matters. But, locally, I can just buy “weed.”

So I was talking to a friend who has their MMJ card in PA, and he was talking about how he targets one terpene at above 0.1% and avoids others if they’re above 0.03%, and the combination of them and stuff like that. And I was like this sounds exactly right. So I spent some time looking at recreational dispensaries that I could drive to. None of them had any information about cannabanoid profile, terpene levels, or anything (kinda like or So I figured I should just drive to one, and someone would be able to help me more. I took a 9 hour, one way drive, and when I got to the dispensary they pointed me to a tablet in the store and told me to order there, where I could choose to narrow it down by “indica” or “sativa”, so I went to another dispensary where I could narrow it down based on effects like “uplifting” or “calm.” They still didn’t have any information about terpene levels or anything. And I didn’t feel comfortable buying 8 different varieties and driving 9 hours back. So I picked up two and kinda left discouraged.

Locally I can buy Delta-8 or CBD, but there’s even less information about those than there is in any of the legal dispensaries I visited.

So I figured it was safer, and better, if I just grew my own. Like 1 or 2 plants at a time. But when I run a search with seed vendors on terpene levels and cannabanoid profiles, I get very little information. Most appear to post THC levels, list CBD as “minimal” and then describe some of the effects. Which I know terpene levels and cannabanoid profiles will vary based on growing conditions. But I’m having a hard time even figuring out which ones would be high in limonene or linalool, at least from their websites. And with so many crosses of strains, it’s easy to get lost, or confuse one strain at one vendor with another strain at another vendor.

Like MSL just lists THC levels and effects. Seed Supreme and ILGM do a little bit better. But still confusing, as it doesn’t really describe percentages of one terpene compared to another, just that it might be high in these 3 or 5 terpenes.

I know the real answer is more experience and time. But was hoping to get a jump on some of it by some recommendations. Largely because I’d like to avoid spending 4 months growing a plant to find out it “isn’t right” and starting over again.

So, after all of these ramblings, I just wanted to thank you for your help!
So this is very much the direction the research I was doing was pointing me in, and it’s incredibly refreshing to read. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out!

The issue that I’ve found is more “where the rubber meets the road.” So I’ve read Cannabis Pharmacy by Michael Backes, along with maybe two dozen online articles and papers, and they all do a really good job of describing how THC in combination with CBD, and certain terpenes, and overall cannabanoid profile matters. But, locally, I can just buy “weed.”

So I was talking to a friend who has their MMJ card in PA, and he was talking about how he targets one terpene at above 0.1% and avoids others if they’re above 0.03%, and the combination of them and stuff like that. And I was like this sounds exactly right. So I spent some time looking at recreational dispensaries that I could drive to. None of them had any information about cannabanoid profile, terpene levels, or anything (kinda like or So I figured I should just drive to one, and someone would be able to help me more. I took a 9 hour, one way drive, and when I got to the dispensary they pointed me to a tablet in the store and told me to order there, where I could choose to narrow it down by “indica” or “sativa”, so I went to another dispensary where I could narrow it down based on effects like “uplifting” or “calm.” They still didn’t have any information about terpene levels or anything. And I didn’t feel comfortable buying 8 different varieties and driving 9 hours back. So I picked up two and kinda left discouraged.

Locally I can buy Delta-8 or CBD, but there’s even less information about those than there is in any of the legal dispensaries I visited.

So I figured it was safer, and better, if I just grew my own. Like 1 or 2 plants at a time. But when I run a search with seed vendors on terpene levels and cannabanoid profiles, I get very little information. Most appear to post THC levels, list CBD as “minimal” and then describe some of the effects. Which I know terpene levels and cannabanoid profiles will vary based on growing conditions. But I’m having a hard time even figuring out which ones would be high in limonene or linalool, at least from their websites. And with so many crosses of strains, it’s easy to get lost, or confuse one strain at one vendor with another strain at another vendor.

Like MSL just lists THC levels and effects. Seed Supreme and ILGM do a little bit better. But still confusing, as it doesn’t really describe percentages of one terpene compared to another, just that it might be high in these 3 or 5 terpenes.

I know the real answer is more experience and time. But was hoping to get a jump on some of it by some recommendations. Largely because I’d like to avoid spending 4 months growing a plant to find out it “isn’t right” and starting over again.

So, after all of these ramblings, I just wanted to thank you for your help!
Your very welcome. I'm in a prohibited state as well. Honestly, with your drive times, it kinda sounds like the same state...... dare I say wisconsin- lol
We can chat privately if need be. I've got genetics galore and I'd be more than willing to gift you some, buy some beers at the pub and chop it up. Just wanna make sure your squared away before your journey back home.
So I figured it was safer, and better, if I just grew my own. Like 1 or 2 plants at a time. But when I run a search with seed vendors on terpene levels and cannabanoid profiles, I get very little information. Most appear to post THC levels, list CBD as “minimal” and then describe some of the effects. Which I know terpene levels and cannabanoid profiles will vary based on growing conditions. But I’m having a hard time even figuring out which ones would be high in limonene or linalool, at least from their websites. And with so many crosses of strains, it’s easy to get lost, or confuse one strain at one vendor with another strain at another vendor.

No one can know the exact thc/cbd/terpenes/cannibinoids of seeds. Each plant is going to be different. When a website selling you seeds says something has 20% thc, take it with a big grain of salt. Environment and how well it's grown is also going to play into those numbers. Really the only place you can get that info is from a dispo, because they test batches for these things. You could have your home grown tested too. Doesn't seem worth it to me, but if you really want to find out what you like down to the exact chemical compounds, it may be a worthy endeavor for you.
There are certain cannabis breeders that breed “type 2 and type 3” strains - which have different THC/CBD ratios, and strains with high amount of other cannabinoids and lower THC - like Hoku seed company. I’d check out some of these alternative strains and breeders if you’re more sensitive to THC and looking for a gentler experience.

Nice! That type of breeder has much more stains that appear to be focused on THC/CBD ratios, which is great, but a little less info on terpenes and other cannabinoids. And many of the strains appear to be highly crossed, which makes it difficult for me to navigate.

I might reach out to them to see if they have any suggestions.

Thanks so much for the direction!

Everyone’s body chemistry is a little different, so not everyone will like the same things. I can relate a bit to your struggle. I’ve never been to a dispo either, and my area just went legal last year. For 20 years it was either “street weed” or take the risk and grow your own. I can send you some free seeds I made if you just want to try something (Vintner’s Moonshine - indica dominant moderately potent medical strain).

Also, sorry, trying to find how to DM someone on this site . . .
Your very welcome. I'm in a prohibited state as well. Honestly, with your drive times, it kinda sounds like the same state...... dare I say wisconsin- lol

Sadly no, south east.

There are a few states around me that have medical programs, but you need to be state residents. Closest recreational state is VA, but they haven’t figured out how to sell recreationally (from what I’ve seen). Which leaves DC (at a little over 8.5 hours) or NJ (at closer to 11 hours). I’ve done both, and they aren’t fun, particularly for day trips. And I don’t feel the most comfortable going that distance through unfriendly states with more than a small amount.

I’ve read that Cherokee Nation has a recreational program. That is a little closer to me, at around 5 hours. But their website appears to have the same type of information the DC and NJ dispensaries had, so I’m less than enthusiastic about it.

We can chat privately if need be. I've got genetics galore and I'd be more than willing to gift you some, buy some beers at the pub and chop it up. Just wanna make sure your squared away before your journey back home.

I’d enjoy that. I don’t know how to DM people on this site.

I am a little freaked out about my privacy. Paranoia perhaps, but sitting in the center of a “non-friendly” location in the country causes you to get a little on edge. But I really enjoy the welcoming, warm hearted nature of this community. :)
No one can know the exact thc/cbd/terpenes/cannibinoids of seeds. Each plant is going to be different. When a website selling you seeds says something has 20% thc, take it with a big grain of salt. Environment and how well it's grown is also going to play into those numbers. Really the only place you can get that info is from a dispo, because they test batches for these things. You could have your home grown tested too. Doesn't seem worth it to me, but if you really want to find out what you like down to the exact chemical compounds, it may be a worthy endeavor for you.

I appreciate that. Very helpful.

I don’t expect to get a seed that says 24% THC, 2% CBD, 0.7% limonene, etc. and get that exact combo when I grow it. I get that what they list is ranges of expectations. My main(ish) goal was to get pushed in the right direction at least to start with, as I kick off a grow or two. As I’m only looking to do one or two plants max at a time, starting off with something that won’t get be completely stoned when I smell it and has a good terpene mix that helps with anxiety would be a good start, and from there I think I can dial it in a little bit more with subsequent batches, branching further into directions I read about. I don’t expect to hit the right strain for me on go 1 or 2, despite I guess what my posts might appear to imply.

I think what I’m trying to avoid, is (1) growing a few hundred grams over 4 months or so (keeping in mind I’ll likely screw something up along the way) only to find out it makes me paranoid and gives me couch-lock, both of which I DO NOT want, and then I have to start over again and wait 4 more months, or (2) drive 12 hours and pick up a few ounces of different strains to try out and risk a federal charge as I drive through several “unfriendly” states. If that makes sense.
Classic blue dream has medium THC and a very nice body buzz as well. You can find it in an autoflower variety fairly easy. Classic strains made Autoflower will most likely be your best option, but if your sensitive to THC, I'd recommend staying away from some of the newer strains. With repeated crossings and today's market primarily focusing on High THC, you'll most likely find yourself inducing anxiety, paranoid or just uncomfortable and displeased.

Terpenes matter greatly, but cannabanoid profile does equally as well. It sounds like you'd benefit most from a balanced cannabanoid profile. Yes CBD can make you drowsy, but it also counter-acts the THC. Add the right Terpene with it and it can give you a stimulating effect that's calming and therapeutic.

These 3 terps should help you, but its worth noting that combination and concentration is really what matters. Dont be discouraged if a strain has a terp in it thats counter productive to your desired outcome. Pay attention to the percentages. A little myrcene can help with the "calming effect", but if myrcene is a dominant value, couch lock is where your headed. So play around with combinations and dont rule out a strain because it has an undesired Terpene. I'd focus on these 3 to be the dominant to find the effects your after.

You sound like you've done some research on the matter, but I'll leave this reference. It lists known strains and terpenes.

My blue dream from this year is a little heady. I take it lightly.
This was one of my favorites. Could rip first thing in the a.m. and be clear and on point. I conserved this for when I needed to get something done and lacked motivation.
Definitely didn’t achieve full potential but man was this stuff great.
Twenty20 I’ve found to be pretty stable on all their gear I’ve run too.