Big plants vs. several small ones


Well-Known Member
Hey there,
I currently have 3, 16 inch tall critical kush plants that are about 2 months old, i have approx 3.5 months left to grow and flower your opinion, would it be better to let those plants veg for the last 1.5 months, or take approx 10 cuttings and then allow those clones to veg for 1.5 months...which do you believe would yield more?

i am using a 400w HPS light with 3 42 cfl 6500k spectrum for lighting just for a lil more info



Well-Known Member
With a 400w you don't have enough penetration to grow big plants without ending up with a shit-ton pf popcorn. Either take a bunch of clones and only veg them a few weeks (a month at the most if you top and train), or probably the best thing would be to throw a screen over those 3 and start scrogging!!


Well-Known Member
The question is light, not could have 4 plants, or one plant underneath and pretty much yield the same....other training technique s and grow methods like scrog could help yield more. As the previous poster said, i second that...


Well-Known Member
i known wha twould yeild more.... more plants! keep in mind if you do things right you could cut cones now take a week or 2 to root a week or 2 in pots to get sturdy, (2-4weeks) then into flower and y the time they finish flower depending on how much light hey are getting and strian you can get up to a 4ft plant with 3-4oz. so you do the math are you gonna get 3-4oz x how ever many clones you cut, on all your plants ion all your plants right now if you veg them 1.5 months longer? ahh probably not.


Well-Known Member
I have done the more plants in small pots as well as very large plants in big pots and there are nuances that must be considered as far as yield is concerned. In your case, train them to behave like a bunch of little ones. Small pots and more plants are likely to produce more under most circumstances. There are exceptions. With OG for instance. This strain is perfect for training and along with topping and cropping you can be extremely productive. The big plant needs a even canopy, light, and to have plasticity. Why not take your cuttings now, initiate flowering, and then do a cycle with them....should line up pretty well. Also, I am not following your timeline, try both.