BIG scrog !!!!!! 2nd grow wat u rekon ????


Active Member
Proper grow, I'm interested to see the final yeild.
Any takers on it's final weight?

Ill start her off with a solid bid of just over a QP dry.
Maybe 4 1/2 Z's.
Yes critical there are four in there 3 have been scroged and i just done loads of low stress training on the fourth one I am hopeing for atleast a pound all together dry but hard to say they have still got 3 weeks to go yet ?????


Hey man I was worrying about my scrog and it being too bushy 4 weeks into flower. This gives me hope and looks a lot like my grow. Looking forward to seeing your yield. I'm guessing 6 oz but what do I kno I'm on my first grow. Good luck to ya and keep us posted!

what size is your grow room?
Cheers for the comments people :) kmfks they are a little over crowded but seem to b handling it ok just restricts the light down to the bottom buds but I have completely stripped everything off below the screen pritty much to stop wasted energy on popcorn nuggets here are a couple more pics to keep you guys guessing


Active Member
It's gotta be a few ounces per plant, at least 3...maybe more :o hard to tell bud density from pics. Awsome job though, well done and enjoy your harvest :D ps. MORE PICS OF BUDS :DD fapfapfap
Buds are very dense nice n tight to squeeze il put some more pics of close up buds soon has any body else grown blue cheese before ? ?????