bigger leaves on a seedling


Active Member
Bigger leaves he means. I don't know for sure. But I've witnessed faster growing and more healthy plants that tend to have larger leaves. Also keeping the light closer will make fatter leaves in my experience.


Active Member
opps. I'm terrible at not reading what I write before I post. Yes, larger leaves one one seedling compared to her sisters.

I've grown three different strains before and they've all been pretty even on size early on. I'm growing just one strain right now and this one has larger than average first set of leaves. I hope I've stumbled onto my future breeding lady in the first try :D lemme go grab a few pics.


Well-Known Member
whats that discolration on the leaves? kind of looks like bugs or something. Ive seen lots of plants outgrow the rest at first and really in the end it doesnt seem to matter much, you just got a fast starter.


Active Member
You mean the water droplets? lol

It seems the ones with the larger first set of leaves grows faster than the smaller ones. The rest of the leaves seem more indica now that it has really taken off. Wonder why I did not get any like this in my first few grows. Oh well :)


Well-Known Member
You mean the water droplets? lol

It seems the ones with the larger first set of leaves grows faster than the smaller ones. The rest of the leaves seem more indica now that it has really taken off. Wonder why I did not get any like this in my first few grows. Oh well :)
AAAAhhh ha ha ha... that's awesome. I was wondering what he was talking about - went back and looked and thought the same thing... that's funny dark


Well-Known Member
at first yes but in the end when all is said and done the others catch up and it doesnt seem to make much difference that one was a faster starter. thats what ive seen personally.