That gallon per month thing is inaccurate, plants get rootbound and show stunted growth way quicker than that.You have 3 plants each in their own 3 gallon pots and you want to transplant them to 20 us gallon pots?...
at the current rate of 1 us gallon per month of soil 20 months is good,
so you are gonna need super lights and a totally warm soil ...consider budding outside in 5 months (20 weeks) time
Please explain, I would be most interested on how such an experienced member may ejaculate such claimsThat gallon per month thing is inaccurate, plants get rootbound and show stunted growth way quicker than that.
Not sure which part you didnt get. The one gallon per month thing doesnt work with anything above 3. If you were to grow one plant under a 1000 watt like the op is, 20 gallons is normal and you wouldnt veg it for 18 months before flowering it. One 5 gallon pot vegged for 3 months and then flowered for 2 would be undersized for a 1000 watt. Same with outdoor, if you transplant a 1 gallon into a 5 gallon in may, it would max out the root space in like a month if that. You wouldnt use a a 5 galllon pot for a 5 month growing season,and you dont need to grow a plant 20 months to use a 20 gallon pot.Please explain, I would be most interested on how such an experienced member may ejaculate such claims
I am currently in 3 gallon containers and veg for 3 weeks in pro mix under 2 1000 watts with good results. Because of several factors, I want to switch to 3 20 gallon containers. How long should i veg to get a bush? Thanks for any help! Luv!
For anyone saying that 20 gallons is too much, it's all relative to veg time and strain. But for a little test, on your next run if you normally transplant into 5 gallons, transplant a plant into a 7 gallon and see if you yield more or your plant stays healthy longer, gets bigger buds etc.... I veg for 10 weeks or so, 15 -20 gallons is essential. I could finish in a 7 gallon, they end up being 4-8 oz plants, transplanted into a 15-20 gallon and they'll be anywhere from 1/2 lb - 1lb. plants depending on strain. Also the buds are bigger. Of course it's also technique and environment and strain related. I have seen monster plants in 3 gallons, they need to be watered everyday, roots get overheated quicker, there isn't much room for error. I don't need 15 -20 gallon pots to finish in, but I prefer that method of achieving my goals. I urge anyone to try different methods to see if they can improve on their style. 1 note to make is wait at least a week or 2 after transplant before flowering so that the plant can actually expand and fill the new pot. Obviously don't need 20 gallons if you're vegging under a month, but I haven't tried it....Transplant into 5 gallon not 20, 20 is way too much indoors
For anyone saying that 20 gallons is too much, it's all relative to veg time and strain. But for a little test, on your next run if you normally transplant into 5 gallons, transplant a plant into a 7 gallon and see if you yield more or your plant stays healthy longer, gets bigger buds etc.... I veg for 10 weeks or so, 15 -20 gallons is essential. I could finish in a 7 gallon, they end up being 4-8 oz plants, transplanted into a 15-20 gallon and they'll be anywhere from 1/2 lb - 1lb. plants depending on strain. Also the buds are bigger. Of course it's also technique and environment and strain related. I have seen monster plants in 3 gallons, they need to be watered everyday, roots get overheated quicker, there isn't much room for error. I don't need 15 -20 gallon pots to finish in, but I prefer that method of achieving my goals. I urge anyone to try different methods to see if they can improve on their style. 1 note to make is wait at least a week or 2 after transplant before flowering so that the plant can actually expand and fill the new pot. Obviously don't need 20 gallons if you're vegging under a month, but I haven't tried it....
It seems to me that the reason that 1gallon per month isn't accurate is because the growth rate is exponential and not linear.