yeah the stupid little bitch probably knocked about a month off of his 15 year sentence idiot."During the following week, state police raided five more rented homes in Millstone Township, Old Bridge, Manahawkin and Manalapan."
Not only a dumbass for burning stems and trim in the fireplace, but a SNITCH too.
They were smart enough to know where New Jersey is.over a thouand plants thats fucking serious. if they were american maybe they wouldnt have been so dumb
haha i wanna see that just reading it made me laughAnyone ever see The People's Court when the little old lady busted her tenant growing weed? She went in while he was at work, loaded all his plants in her car. She was going to take them to the cops but got scared and drove them to her house. She burned them in the fireplace and sat in her rocker watching them go up. She was suing the tenant because SHE GOT HIGH! Hilarious. No one had a straight face.