BigNBushy's first time


Well-Known Member
Hello all, I have been nursing some girls along since the beginning of June. I have germinated a few seeds, but this is my first effort in growing. Last year I ordered some Super Lemon Haze, it came with some freebes. I have not kept track of whats what because I don't really care what the name of it is. To me, weed is weed. Of course, where I am there isn't exactly a flourishing market. While I was in law school a girl had primo weed that she said was blue dream, it was great. For my soil I am using a mix of local dirt, some pearlite/spahg moss stuff, throwing in some worm castings, and some happy frog 7-4-5 fert in the soil. I have had some problems along the way, and you can see where I have in my girls. The first plant has been my runt. It has been small and grown super slow, it also had an iron deficiency, a problem that has plagued my grow. But it has started doing much better since I put it in the ground. The second girl has rebounded nicely, one half of her is gone, because I had pretty much left her for dead after a severe iron deficiency, but once she was placed in the ground, she rebounded nicely. The eighth also had a minor iron problem, but I was able to correct that, but it did slow her down some. Photo 5 was a beautiful plant that was going great, until it had an unfortunate encounter with a law mower, but there was some green left and I may get something out of it. The one in photo 3 and 4 has always been healthy and is a real bush. Photo 6 and 7 is the only one I am sure of strain, it is Super Lemon Haze. The 9 and 10th are clones, with the one at 9 looking the best so I put her in the ground. While I don't know whats what, I have 3 total Super Lemon Haze girls, and some norther lights x big bud, AK 48, and another strain that I have forgot the name of. Here they are!Momma 006.jpgMomma 007.jpgMomma 008.jpgMomma 009.jpgMomma 010.jpgMomma 011.jpgMomma 012.jpgMomma 013.jpgMomma 014.jpgMomma 016.jpgMomma 017.jpg This is a soil amendment that I got a Tractor Supply co. It is basically just a bunch of beneficial bacteria and other stuff. I got it because it has BT in it and it was like 6 bucks. Great stuff, my plants always have a little growth spurt after I put it on, but it says to only apply once a month.


Well-Known Member
That`s your first grow ? Keep doing what ya doing. They look fine. Small but fine. Smaller plants generally take off in Sept. and Oct. and it`s been my experience have better high. The only sad part is the wrong sex surprises.


Well-Known Member
That`s your first grow ? Keep doing what ya doing. They look fine. Small but fine. Smaller plants generally take off in Sept. and Oct. and it`s been my experience have better high. The only sad part is the wrong sex surprises.
Thanks, they do look small in the photos. And maybe they are, never grown before, but my tallest, the ones in pic 6 and 7, is 4 feet tall almost.


Well-Known Member
Tonight was the first bloom feeding. Leaving town for 5 or 6 days tomorrow, so I needed to water, and since from all I've read they should start flowering any day now, I decided to throw in a light dose of my bloom nutrients. Here is what I bought for that. Bloom 006.jpg Also, I decided to throw in a 5 gallon bucket to show a little scale, I realized the pics I posted yesterday were basically green on green with little depth or scale. Here is what they look like next to a 5 gallon bucket, just the two biggest ones.Bloom 001.jpgBloom 002.jpgBloom 004.jpgBloom 005.jpg


Active Member

I started late this season as well 7/19 from SEED <grow journal below>
Your plants are about a month older than mine, looking mighty healthy, good work!
I will be keeping my eye on this one


Well-Known Member
Why would you want to do that? If you're having some sort of heat issue, that's understandable, otherwise, you want as much direct sunlight as possible, considering the days are now getting shorter.


Wow, man, you the first grower I have seen that plugs the plant directly into the ground (if I am seeing the pic's correctly), this is the way it's done mostly in SA, in forests and shit, to hide away from our friendly and forgiving police force. How they doing now?

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
From my own personal experience, growers will run into less problems if they grow directly in the ground. It is evident that those ladies are loving the soil.

Good job. Show us the finished product...and pictures of how they looked while they were flowering.

Next season, I recommend you experiment with seed production. Keep one strong healthy male, and try some controlled pollinating.


Well-Known Member
Wow, man, you the first grower I have seen that plugs the plant directly into the ground (if I am seeing the pic's correctly), this is the way it's done mostly in SA, in forests and shit, to hide away from our friendly and forgiving police force. How they doing now?
Thanks! I had a good time with the girls.

Growing is all done, I still have some trim to process into hash. However, I am in a very illegal state, and when the buds started forming it suddenly stopped being so cool, and started becoming something that I actually started worrying about.

I had the same experience when I grew mushrooms a few years back. It was really cool until the little fuckers started growing and I realized there was a "manufacturing of a schedule 1" charge sitting in my closet.

I know there are lots of folks that post photos of their grows, many are in legal states, some aren't, but I decided not to take the extra risk and chose not to update this post.

However, I can now reveal some of the details about how they finished.

Two of the plants were next to a tree line, and when I dug the holes they got sun all day, but as the track of the sun through the sky changed as the year went on, they were shaded all day, never got big, had mold problems, and didn't do much. They produced some weed, but it wasn't worth smoking and it went into the hash pile. I thought there was a chance of this and put my two least good looking plants there, but I got 6 ounces between those two, of very low grade weed.

There were 5 other plants, in much better locations that produced good to great smoke. I only had one plant that produced anything that I would say was medical quality.

The plants were next to a creek, which, combined with a very rainy summer made mold a problem. The plant that had a bad encounter with a lawnmower came back with a vengeance and it was the only indica dom lady I had. So I got to experiment. Visiting the girls every day, I was able to spot the mold early, and cutting out a little would only slow it down from consuming the entire plant. Since this plant was so much smaller, and bloomed first, I decided to experiment with it, and as it turns out I'm glad I did. What I got off of it was 2 oz of moldy bud that went to hash pile. But I learned from it and applied it to my 4 other, bigger girls.

Of those 4 I had to take 2 of them apps 2 weeks early because they were getting moldy,and despite my efforts I knew I could only fight it for so long. Ended up with 3 ounces of moldy buds for has, and 9 ounces of good, but a little early bud from these. Lost a lot to mold.

The other two, as fate would have it, were not affected by mold, and got to ripen all the way. They were also my biggest girls. One was a super lemon haze, and it got to 7 feet. She gave me 14 ounces dry. The other was most likely ak48. She was 5.5 feet tall, but very wide, as wide as tall, and she gave me 16.7 dry ounces.

Both of these were as good as anything I have ever smoked.

I cured the big buds from the last two plants, and sold everything else as soon as dry to a guy I know.

I had fun, and hopefully will have better results next year. I can identify some mistakes I made and won't make again next year.


Well-Known Member
From my own personal experience, growers will run into less problems if they grow directly in the ground. It is evident that those ladies are loving the soil.

Good job. Show us the finished product...and pictures of how they looked while they were flowering.

Next season, I recommend you experiment with seed production. Keep one strong healthy male, and try some controlled pollinating.
I would, but honestly I didn't even take any pictures after the ones I posted here. I read a thread about not uploading photos with an iPhone for security reasons, and figured the same might apply to my droid.

I might grow again, but I won't be documenting it in the future until the legal status of such activity changes.


I would, but honestly I didn't even take any pictures after the ones I posted here. I read a thread about not uploading photos with an iPhone for security reasons, and figured the same might apply to my droid.

I might grow again, but I won't be documenting it in the future until the legal status of such activity changes.
Android user, nice, don't trust anything leaving an android either, you can however use a piece of software called tor, it's a proxy and hides your ip adddress and a few other handy things, difficult to trace, not impossible though but difficult. I hope you were talking about android, I will look like such a douche if you weren'

Yeah be careful man, weed is good, prison not so much.

Farmer's Hat

Well-Known Member
I would, but honestly I didn't even take any pictures after the ones I posted here. I read a thread about not uploading photos with an iPhone for security reasons, and figured the same might apply to my droid.

I might grow again, but I won't be documenting it in the future until the legal status of such activity changes.

Buy a cheap digital camera. It wil come in handy should you need advice on deficiencies or pest problems.

Smart of you to stop using your phone ;)


Well-Known Member
Android user, nice, don't trust anything leaving an android either, you can however use a piece of software called tor, it's a proxy and hides your ip adddress and a few other handy things, difficult to trace, not impossible though but difficult. I hope you were talking about android, I will look like such a douche if you weren'

Yeah be careful man, weed is good, prison not so much.
I'm very familiar with tor, silk road is an amazing place. Haven't signed up for silk road v.2. Probably won't.

But I didn't use that for this because this user name, even if accessed from tor, is something i have accessed through the clear net, and also tied to a legit email address of mine. For all of the capabilities of tor, it wouldn't help me here with this user name.