bio-bizz grow and bloom?


Active Member
Just purchased bio-bizz grow and bio-bizz bloom. The grow says to use through both vegetative stages and flowering.

Therefore shall I use both bloom and grow during the flowering period?

All answers greatly received!


W Dragon

Well-Known Member
just cut back on the grow in flower after the stretch i find a couple of mil every other watering or so helps them stay green up until the end, i think it's a great product and will be sticking to it for soil best of luck mate


Active Member
hi,just saw this now.....i am growing few plants outside for the first time now and have this bio grow,bloom and top max!the days are getting shorter now and the first pistols are showing.....this is the start of my flowering right?is this the right time to start giving my plants the bloom and top max??any help would be good...........


Active Member
hi just saw this here now,have some bio grow,bloom and top max!growing some plants outdoor now and the days are getting shorter now and the first white hairs are starting to show this the start of my flowering and time to give it them the bloom and top max??


Active Member
The hairs are the start of flowering but as for when to start giving the bloom etc. the answer above (many thanks by the way) says to keep using a bit of grow while using the bloom. Mine are starting to flower also so I will be doing that.
Cheers for the input people. Happy growing!


Active Member
guys this thread is super awesome, my leaves ar yellowing right now, i'm in 3rd week of autoflower plants, two have just some leaves yellow, but one is all around yellow, and i forgot that i can use that biobizz grow like a plant tonic when in flowering, i have it.