I looked up other bio bizz grows and found 2 other grows with my nute and their weaker str. IDK what is up with this, i wonder who is wrong, me in reading, or the ebay seller for giving me some weird version, or wtf. LOl, well i also got mexican bat guano, worm castings and unsulphered molassases on hand as well as super plant tonic.
I wanted to do teas anyway.
I also got a plan to use my weaker bio bizz and top dress with bat guano, feeding spt for the in between fert waterings.
I wonder if anyone else has the 1.8-0.1-6.6 grow and the 1.1-2.5-2 bloom version of bio bizz improted from holland made by GHBB, the real deal, omri cert on bottle. Safe for every watering it says too. Lables, HuH!