birth control pills


Well-Known Member
So i was wondering if this is true. Someone told me that if u take 1 birth control pill and powder it up and add it to like a gallon or water and use that to water my plants it will make them get huge.
is this true.
and if it is, is this the right way to do it.


Well-Known Member
Uhhhh I'm guessing that person was absolutely spewing bullshit. I cannot possibly see how that is true, considering birth control is usually based on sex hormones. Plus, if he didn't even specify what type of birth control, then it's almost definitely bullshit - there are different kinds that have totally different stuff in them...there's no way they can all have that same affect.

I guess I can't say for sure...but come on...that's just ridiculous sounding.


Well-Known Member
This topic comes up every other month lol.

Im pretty sure someone tested it, and it didnt make a difference.

Dosnt increase females, or make them bigger. But give it a try if you want, I doubt it would hurt them.


Well-Known Member
yah sounds pretty stupid if it worked that great then im sure everyone would already know about it, definatley be better off just using fertilizer.


Well-Known Member
yea i suck at the English language.

has or does anyone use the fert called "plant food".
i am just wondering if it is a good choice.

i have been putting 1-2 drips on each plant ever time i water.


Well-Known Member
if its all you can get it will work. Its definitely on the lower end of the chain when it comes to plant foods. Like i said if its all you can get go for it. There's much much better out there in my opinion.


Well-Known Member
not heard of the plant food but i have heard of the female pill being used but as the ppl above are sayin it cud just be a myth.. there wouldnt be any harm in tryin i guess but would be wary bout adding stuff to your water.
if your set-up works ide suggest keeping to it for now..
good luck..


Well-Known Member
its non sense about it will make seed feamles, it depends on acidity levels the water u use if the water is acidyt there pre domanantly female more alkaline and there male, the birth control pills are the ones with estrogen, my mum told me :D