Bitcoin help ? Circle pay wtf


Well-Known Member
So a like buying with debit card instant iv always used circle pay they quit sellin bitcoin this week so help this farmer out trying to use cexio
Really? Circle went back on taking transactions? I used them say a month ago and everything went as plan.

There's a few options out there. If you want to stay truly anonymous I would advise you find bitcoin dealers locally.
Went with xcoin but damn they stuck it to me in charges wouldent recomend and ya last week circle was fine this week its fd
Circle stopped offering bitcoin ive been endings friend money to buy btc from circle and he had to use a different one last time
Where can i get bitcoin cheap used to go threw circle been using xcoins but they charge way to much help ?
So a like buying with debit card instant iv always used circle pay they quit sellin bitcoin this week so help this farmer out trying to use cexio
if u have a paypal account takes a few days and up price no id or anything if u want it over the webs i can quide u threw it all just take a couple purchases then after u got in with them they in instance go from paying pay pall cause afrer 3 times to gain trust and after u can get all the bit coins with a little % on their on end but i can ge bit coins after the few day so ur not a scammer i will help u with anything u wan to use thanks and and sry for admins