Black .5” tubing?

I need some black .5” tubing but what I ordered is HARD AS F- I don’t need as flexible as silicone- I’d take it though- just needs to be light proof and more bendable than this stuff I’ve got here- almost as hard as residential pex. Thanks!!!!
Black poly tubing thats used for irrigation and sprinklers might work. Its thinner so it wont be as stiff as pex, but the bend radius wont be much better without kinks. A bright side of this is that all the barbed connectors are cheap and you can connector your way around sharp bends you need.
Theres not much between these 2 and silicone that I have found. You should be able to find some at any local hardware store to play with.
I need some black .5” tubing but what I ordered is HARD AS F- I don’t need as flexible as silicone- I’d take it though- just needs to be light proof and more bendable than this stuff I’ve got here- almost as hard as residential pex. Thanks!!!!
Just set in hot water before you stick in a barb, and it's easy. Or use a heat gun. That's even easier. Rigid tubing is a good thing.
I need some black .5” tubing but what I ordered is HARD AS F- I don’t need as flexible as silicone- I’d take it though- just needs to be light proof and more bendable than this stuff I’ve got here- almost as hard as residential pex. Thanks!!!!
Or, I can vouch for bay hydro tubing being easier to work with.

I recently priced the good Tygon tubing. Whoa ouch.
Thats that stuff that gets up into $5-6 a foot when you get into the 3/4"-1" range.
Even that bay hydro tubing is still $2.50 a foot for 1". The 25 foot piece of that I needed wasnt fun.

Or, I can vouch for bay hydro tubing being easier to work with.

Oh that too. I always forget that stuff isnt silicone.
I use the same type of black vinyl tubing in 3/4" and 1" for the few things that arent PVC/ABS.
Thats that stuff that gets up into $5-6 a foot when you get into the 3/4"-1" range.
Even that bay hydro tubing is still $2.50 a foot for 1". The 25 foot piece of that I needed wasnt fun.

Oh that too. I always forget that stuff isnt silicone.
I use the same type of black vinyl tubing in 3/4" and 1" for the few things that arent PVC/ABS.
Ya I've found hydro flow brand tubing and barb fittings to be quite decent quality. And I've received some Bull Shit tubing before as well, so I know the difference.