black leafs at bud sites


been growing this strain for 3 years now but have never seen the leaves around the bud site go black .... took pics of the outside, look through the magnifier they just look black with the clear trichomes on them... the plant did tip over(roots stayed in ground) and may have damaged roots around the time it was trying to bud i got it back up and staked and tied it ... 3 other plants beside it 2 budding nice about a week or tow earlier other just starting but no black yet IMG-20210827-01486.jpgIMG-20210827-01487.jpgIMG-20210827-01488.jpgIMG-20210827-01489.jpg
seen that thread, it seem to be the same thing plants are healthy and big hopefully its just purple bud ,,,, seeds were supposed to be from Northern Lights... but not really sure all seeds were from same strain of plant
Could you take a blurrier pic maybe that would help
sorry best pic i could get wind and shitty cell camera
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Oh it's called BLTVA. I forget, acronyms run the west.
too late for prevention, whats a treatment?
I've seen that twice now , thought it was possibly black smut, since they yard was covered with it.
Both times, the plant grew out of it, not sure why. It did dud/kill one tip, the others recovered.
Looks like it's classified as a bacteria, rather than fungal.
too late for prevention, whats a treatment?
I've seen that twice now , thought it was possibly black smut, since they yard was covered with it.
Both times, the plant grew out of it, not sure why. It did dud/kill one tip, the others recovered.
Looks like it's classified as a bacteria, rather than fungal.
I just found some a couple days ago in 2 plants. I've seen it before. Killed a very young plant a few years ago but my others were fine. I do have leafhoppers which he stated is a vector. The BL stands for beet leafhopper ( if you didnt know) and from what i understood from a study i just read, is the only vector of the rot/mold. The study did not call it a fusarium, but looked similiar. My leafhoopers are my number 1 pest and are red and green.

The study called for a fungicide as treatment.
so... do i let it go and see if it buds or cut the black shit off and create new bud sites ... I have two other plants beside them budding good no black and loads of weed left from last year... only have about 40 days left till harvest,,, do any of the DIY fungicides work i sprayed part of my plant with the baking soda/ water one .... i know it raises the ph but not in the roots. If i don't have time for bud i can let her go to seed herself
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We're assuming it's a phytoplasma, looks like a phytoplasma.
From what I saw briefly, they infect it at feeding, then catch the disease as grubs when they hatch and feed.

Weve been battling it now for 5-6 years, and have lost 100s of plants to it. The same strains grown inside never get it.

Sometimes they do grow out of it, but usually it completely fucks them up. No known cure I know of.
BLTVA , what does the TVA stand for in the name?
cant find much info on it besides the bug itself
is it a usual thing in Atlantic Canada or once in a blue moon?
other 2 plants have purple leaf around bud close to the two i removed but budding ok ,,, haha cant remember what NL looked like last year couple pics its doing ok


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other 2 plants have purple leaf around bud close to the two i removed but budding ok ,,, haha cant remember what NL looked like last year couple pics its doing ok
yeah its just what NL does from the info i found but did not do it last year ... just says perfect combination of genetics and environmental factors. in this web page and found one on here about it too makes sense that the ones closest to the house are warmer and have green sugar leaf buds. probably more with the cold.
close to frost the past 2 days (little frost burn) but yeah they are purple buds not black from BLTVA few pics from this date


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