Black Light?


Active Member
hello. just wondering about a black light.. i have a 18inch black light and a few computer uv lights 3x12" 1x4" and was wondering if they emit enough uv or if any uv to help growing..?


Well-Known Member
lol the black lights would only make your grow room look kwel m8 lol... soz but they dont emit nowhere near the right spectrum of light to be used for growing.

In the electromagnetic spectrum you have alsorts of waves.....(Radiowaves, microwaves, infrared,- VISIBLE LIGHT -, u.v, x- rays and gamma rays.)

in order ... although i might have missed a few out there... neway the visable light is all we can see. the RED part of visible light ironicailly nearer to infrared is used for flowering while the BLUE part is used for vegein lol the wave length of the U.V is waaay to short for plants to use m8 :( sorry ...


Well-Known Member
black light.. lol we need blue for veg and red for bloom.. best bet is a HPS, MH, or CFL for lighting tho CFL is not as good as the others, it will still work if your on a cheap budget.


Active Member
ive got a 400 watt MH for veg. and still looking for a nice(cheap) HPS.. found 600 watt hortilux hps FULL set for 230$ USD..

just saw em sitting around(the black lights and UV lights) thought i would ask....


Well-Known Member
I thought about red colored cfl party bulbs 23w. man they would make the room look sweet. red light special. Might evin help the flower spectrum????


Active Member
did i even say one word about me trying to make it look cool¿? or are chronic plants not legit enough?? lollololololl :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Actually red colored bulbs from what I read have no effect. Its the light itself that needs to be in the red spectrum. Somewere I was reading like 6500k is blue? Is there a chart for this or how would one determin spectrum of a bulb on the box itself?


Well-Known Member
yea thats ture iwir3d .......

i think the coolness of you room is just confusion from when i said thats all it would do.... dint mean to offend or out :):):):):):):)

peace to all