Black Lives Matter activists disrupt Bernie Sanders speech

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from the comments (holy shit! 5812 posts and counting!) section of the should read what these people are saying..did i say 6k comments in 2 hours?:clap: +rep..

Sorry...I'm from just outside Seattle, I'm bi-racial and not a Democrat or liberal nor interested in Bernie Sanders whatsoever...but I think law enforcement should have arrested these two women and taken them away. This was not their event, they merely took advantage of someone else's hard work.

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how classy.

so are they going to be following bernie around leveraging his audience for their brand?

if i came out to see bernie and didn't get what i came for, i'd be pretty pissed..wonder what the audience thought?..seattle? probably not a blacklivesmatter type of audience..

Why would the Black Lives Matter people call him a liberal white supremacist?
Wow, just call him Bernie "the dishrag" Sanders.

He let two women hijack his event?

If I went to see a candidate speak, possibly traveling for hours to do so, and that candidate surrendered the stage/microphone and then slinked away like a fucking coward because they wouldn't give it back, I'd be pissed too. At him.

I wouldn't trust that spineless fuck to lead this army.

Dude can't even hold his own over 2 angry women. How the hell is he going to run a country? He tucked tail and ran.

Look at this insignificant little worm. You can smell the fear as surely as the shit in his diaper.


Embarrassingly pathetic.
Wow, just call him Bernie "the dishrag" Sanders.

He let two women hijack his event?

If I went to see a candidate speak, possibly traveling for hours to do so, and that candidate surrendered the stage/microphone and then slinked away like a fucking coward because they wouldn't give it back, I'd be pissed too. At him.

I wouldn't trust that spineless fuck to lead this army.


Look closely, she isn't comforting him. She's dressing him down. Calling him a pussy. Telling him he has no nuts and is a diddering, old coward. THAT'S why he looks like he's going to cry.
Look closely, she isn't comforting him. She's dressing him down. Calling him a pussy. Telling him he has no nuts and is a diddering, old coward. THAT'S why he looks like he's going to cry.

"You little bitch, get up there and do something."


Dude can't even hold his own over 2 angry women. How the hell is he going to run a country? He tucked tail and ran.


Wow. WTF?
You would think that would be enough, But no, that reaction is what represents his constituency .Clearly he is a leader You could push him into a corner and shove your cock in his mouth and he would work it like there is no tomorrow .A real fighter .