Black marks at top of stem


Well-Known Member
3 week old girl is getting black on. The stem right under where it has been topped... any ideas of what it is? Fungi?
Any way we could get some pics?...It's possible to get infections where there is a open wound on a plant's the black mark static in size? Or is this black mark getting larger with time? If it's a static black legion, not growing in size except for maybe growing with the stem itself, I wouldn't really worry.
I’m not with my girls at the the moment but I did crack the stem about a week ago when doing a little training but the mark is on the next node above where I made the crack... I barely noticed the blackness today so idk if it’s grown or not.. I’m out buying a fungicide spray right now for it.
Well, it's not going to hurt anything if it isn't a fungus problem, so if you've the extra $ you may as well. Hopefully someone more versed in training will stop in and offer their opinions...I've mostly LST'ed in the past and, generally, didn't really have problems with breaks and cracks or I would be of more help here. Good luck buddy&happy growing.
Well, it's not going to hurt anything if it isn't a fungus problem, so if you've the extra $ you may as well. Hopefully someone more versed in training will stop in and offer their opinions...I've mostly LST'ed in the past and, generally, didn't really have problems with breaks and cracks or I would be of more help here. Good luck buddy&happy growing.
Thank you at least on the positive side it’s still has good growth over it and hopefully it stays like that. Another question though; lets say it gets worse you think it would be ok to cut a little under the affected area... it’s on the main stem right under where I topped it?
As long as the plant's left with some healthy leaves, it should be alright to do. Of course, it will set you back a week or two of veg, but it will recover.
Ya that’s the only thing that aggravates me; waiting couple more weeks if I do so...
I have a feeling it might be due to some type of bug/insect because there is a leaf that was 1/4 eaten but this took place about 10 days ago and no others have showed any bites not even on any other plants but I sprayed the fungicide spray which kills bugs also so hopefully it strengthens back up at the stem sight