black spots 5 weeks into flower pics included


hey fellas, i got a lil issue i searched the forums for info but found nothing on my problem. i have 4 GDP's on a 4x4 scrog. plants are in 5 gallon felt pots and have been fed nothing but organics their whole life. I.E bat, worm and seabird guano molasses and roots organic trinity for trace elements. brew all this in teas and this is what the get watered with. feeding schedule is feed, feed, feed ,water repeat. i am % weeks into flower with ^ to & weeks to go and i have been getting these balck spots on my fan leaves. the leaves get crispy and then curl up. there are also alot of leave with tiny yellow tips. no all 4 plants have been fed the same thing but so far only one is showing issues. i have a certain amount of yellowing but thats natural 5 weeks into flowering. i mean correct me if im wrong please. but take a look at my pics and see what you guys think. thanks.IMG_0595.jpgIMG_0596.jpg


Well-Known Member
go read 3rd sticky from the top def & tox . ull b able to solve it yourself . not being mean, but there is power with ... good luck:joint:


okay i think the problem Phosphorus. its the only one that looks kind like my problem. so we will see what happens.