Blackcoupe 01's Ice & Aurora Indica Grow


Well-Known Member
Made a few upgrades to my closet recently so I decided to buy some seeds, ICE & AURORA INDICA. To start, Ill be using 3 of each strain, hoping for at least one mother of each for cuttings. Comments & questions are welcome!

Here are the seeds, from Nirvana in 10 days.
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Well-Known Member
Some pics of the setup
I will be using a cooltube with a 600watt digital ballast and MH and HPS bulbs

Im using two 250cfm fans on the cool tube, one suckin, one blowin

The closet was cleaned with a diluted bleach solution then covered with reflective white/black poly. A bottom shelf was built to allow an area for seedling and clones as well as storage.

The seedling/clone box on lower shelf
Im also using several fans in the closet to move air

I also have a 110 CFM exhaust fan in the ceiling taking any hot air out as well as another 250CFM fan(like the ones on my cooltube)bringing in fresh air.


Well-Known Member
I let my seeds soak in a cup of tap water with the chlorine already evaporated.

Then the cups of seeds go into the hotbox where its nice and warm.

Usually, I let seeds soak like this for 24 hours then switch to paper towels. Paper towels werent used this time because all 6 seeds popped and showed their taproots in the first 24 hours. Most seeds were ready to plant after 16 hours, I was a bit amazed because Id never had so much success germing seeds, I figure its the quality compared to my usual bagseed grows.


Well-Known Member
I know a lot of people here dont like using the jiffy peat pellets. I have always had good results with them compared to other methods so for this grow Im sticking with what I know has worked for me in the past. Once the taproots are out, the seeds go in the peat pellets that have been soaked in tapwater, chlorine evaporated. I poke a few holes in a mini solo cup to hold the peat pellet, plus the mini solo cups fit perfectly into the hotbox, keeping the soil warm and helping root growth.

The temp in my hotbox stays pretty consistent, in the 85-90 degree range


Well-Known Member
Heres the part I hate the most, waiting. And waiting on seeds to break through the soil is the worst because theres nothing but dirt to look at.

When the seeds do start to break through, they all break through within 48 hours of being in the peat pellets.


Well-Known Member
The grow looks sweet black coupe I am gonna keep an eye on this one. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the 6 inch in line duct fan you have pictured. I have been looking for one that is reliable. Thanks and good luck!

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
Another reason I like using the mini solo cups, it makes it easier to hanlde the seedling without actually touching it, and the peat pellet can be easily removed to check for root growth. Seedlings are now 2 days from sprout. I have a small fluorescent light that I use untill the seedlings show signs of roots. At the first site of a root, I transplant them, first carefully removing the netting on the peat pellets. Usually I have several seedlings the same age, when 1 plant grows a root out the peat pellet, I go ahead and transplant all the others before they have a chance to grow into the netting, it does slow the plant down, seen it firsthand

One plant had a root already a half inch out the bottom of the peat pellet on day 2 so I decided to transplant them into six inch pots, yes Im using ocean forrest for seedlings, watch me do it! Heres a pic on day 5 under 600watts of a growbright MH 72,000 lumen bulb at 36 inches

the other plants in the closet are from a current grow, you may catch a glimpse or two in the background but this grow journal is really for the ICE & AURORA INDICA.


Well-Known Member
The grow looks sweet black coupe I am gonna keep an eye on this one. If you don't mind me asking, where did you get the 6 inch in line duct fan you have pictured. I have been looking for one that is reliable. Thanks and good luck!

Tom :joint::peace:
Thanks tom, the fans came from, it was about $40 US, they seem to work well for the price. I get all my stuff from HTG, never had a problem with them, even bought a few things from their ebay auctions.


Well-Known Member
Sorry I forgot to mention the dimensions of my grow closet, 4 feet wide, 2 feet deep, 10 feet high. Your typical size closet I guess. I know my light could cover twice that space easy so a bigger grow area may be in these plants future.


Well-Known Member
Damn as much as Im at the depot I cant beleive I never looked for fans there. But if one goes out on me I know where to get a quick replacement, thanks man!


Well-Known Member
No problem man, I wish I had a closet as big as yours I would be using a cooltube and growing a lotta plants :mrgreen::blsmoke:

Tom :joint::peace:


Well-Known Member
I just got the go ahead from my other half on expanding the grow! She gave me a 5x5 foot area in the spare bedroom. Im going to build a room using 2x4's and white/black polyfilm. Its gonna be sweet! Ill put up pics of the process once its finished.


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro, keep up the good work. Hopefully they turn out like my 2mtr high ice lady :) Feed them well, give them plenty of light and 0xygen and potting space, they'l grow mean. By the way, that looks like a pretty decent grow setup you got by the looks of things. Good luck bro


Well-Known Member
waiting on a few aurora seeds myself, subscribed and i'll be watching closely cause i should ony be 2/3 weeks behind:joint:.
nice room by the way, i'll be in a 3.5x3.5x7 using a 600w hps


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the comments, Ill have a fresh pic up soon, they are still healthy and growing, the aurora indica is a bit taller than the ice at this point, I figured it would be the other way around.