Blackout Curtain? Panda plastic?


IM trying to make a divider in my closet with some kind of curtain or plastic. it doesnt necessarily have to be reflective but i want it to be light proof does anyone know where i can get something like this or have any ideas on what to use? thanks very much


Active Member
you can use all sorts of things... black garbage bags, tarp, sheet of plywood/sheetrock, sleeping bag.. ECT.

use your imagination man

happy growing!!


hey man i didnt even think of trash bags man ha thanks ill keep thinking of other nice and cheap ways as well lol.


Well-Known Member
blackout curtain material is perfect for this. you just tape it up with duct tape, and it won't let a spec of light through. It's also a nice reflective white, and easy to move aside if needed. I use it to curtain just inside my door to ensure no light leaks.


Well-Known Member
First hang your Panda film. The get a tarp zipper and stick it to the panda film, making sure the zipper is at the top and not the bottom. Once stuck to the panda film, open the zipper and cut a slit with a razor blade. Viola....Panda film with zipper door. Couldn't be easier, or more effective IMHO! Hope this helps!