BlackPeter's 2012 Redemption Grow


Active Member
So last year was painfully tremulous. Plants stolen on multiple occasions, stole them back, hurricane, bad partners.....I laughed, I cried, but, I learned more than I could ever have expected. This year will be a bit different. Whittled the crew down to a much smaller number, more GREAT spots, and more knowledge about strains that grow well in my area. Now... here's the rundown.

10 regular KC Brains California Special - I've heard mixed things about these, but for 20 bucks a pack I couldn't go wrong. I have a spot deep in the woods for all my fem seeds so these will be at a spot a bit shallower in the woods. A 'decoy' of sorts. I feel that if someone stumbles upon a bunch of plants in one spot they'll be too enthralled to keep looking. But, thats just my theory. OH, and if they grow and i harvest them thats cool too.

5 Nirvana Aurora Indica Fem- I'm in New England so indica is really the only option. These seem to be super hardy and an all around easy grow judging by reviews and the research I've done.

5 Nirvana Northern Light
- I'm not sure if this differs from actual northern light'S', but, either way this is the most sativa I think I could squeeze in. If their sativa genetics give me the business and don't flower early enough I'll use FF's Open Sesame or something of the sort. I'd rather not resort to any silly parlor tricks and myths. Perhaps light deprivation, we'll see for the curiosity's sake.

1 G13 Labs White Widow Fem
- This was a freebie and super lucky cause its mostly indica. This might be for my personal stash but we'll see how it goes. I plan on doing some breeding so if any of the KC Brain's show an awesome pheno and grow super high and are male - that'll be the one. Say hello to free seeds next year. This is, of course, speculative and hypothetical.....along with everything anyone ever says on this site.8)

Soil/Water - So, At 2/3 of my spots the native soil is sub par. My plan is to gather some loam along with worm castings, manure, compost, bone/blood meal, lime, Azomite, Humic Acid, mycorrhizae, epsom salts.....all the necessities and hike them to their respective spots in 10- 30 gallon pots prior to even planting. One spot with good native soil will be amended accordingly and will hopefully produce some trees. As for water, all of my spots have running water fairly close by and I'm having all the pH's tested within the next few weeks. My school has a fantastic Environmental Science/ Agriculture program and it's truly enjoyable talking to people who share interests. Kindred spirits. Regardless, I can have everything tested here for free. One plot is uphill from a stream so I think I'm going to make a Hydraulic Ram pump to truly test my wits, and patience with gravity. As for the other spots, the running water will be easily available and frankly, it's almost too good to be true.

Spots/Team - All of my spots have fantastic sunlight, southern facing, morning/noon sun of paramount importance. Wanted to keep it evenly dispersed for the most part so they'll all get love. I'm the leader of a 3 man crew with each of us having certain responsibilities. I grew up with these kids and would trust them with my life. We've been through too much to ever really let a plant (or the notion of large fiscal gains) to get between us.......knock on wood.

Concluding, I'd like to thank everyone on here for your help and open minded-ness. It's a real shame that lots of people see stoners/pot smokers as less intelligent people. I feel as though we're far more perceptive and have alot to offer the world. If an idea is born when your'e high, it's still your idea. Yeah, HIGHdeas are funny, but in all seriousness we're an abstract bunch and I believe that is something that many people lack, it's quite the life to live. Anyways, if anyone has any critiques, questions, or beef let me know. I'll do the best I can to do whatever. Please don't steal shit either. That's lame. Or hurt anybody.

That Is all