Bleach not just to clean but also to keep hydro clean


Here is my logic . Its already in tap water ... if your running tap water your rez has it.

the question.

best way to keep rez clean during cycles?

for me its always been food grade peroxide
And any flushing product that contains enzymes...


i think gh actually has a product marketed towards keeping things clean....
for me ive always ran florkleen no problems the chelating agents ware out over time and the cleaning enzymes stick around imho..

but searching the net i found a lovely post on the board i want to just bringlight to ... for anyone battling sluggish water no matter how many times u flush ur rez.

ill post it below on recomended usage for bleach that imo is spot on...

h202 is just way too bloody unstable...

i would say 2
H2o2 is great for coco soil etc ..

another tip for people gettinf gunky teservoirs just look to ur base water source . Get a report. Switch to ro if its a big issue...

also oxygenate the water...

also keep temps down .

use a largeaquarium or hydro air pump for a 55gal ish rez I recommend like 15w USA minumum for an air pump soost aquarium pumps wont cut it.

agitation is a food way to keep a reservoir clean too. I used to love buying used powerheads from aquarium peoples, be weary tho water pumps will warm up your reservoirs..

its weird bleach can be such a hot button issue when
There are way worse things lurking in peoples reservoirs, from bad city water etc.

happy growing just wanted to give some tips.

Sodium hydrochloride info below...

Note its very alkaline so make sure to readjust ur ph routines.

1:100 is considered safefor cleaninf but for active cycle read next post for info. Thanks
Do you think the majority of commercial hydroponic green house growers are wrong. They use chlorine at 4 ppm or higher added into the pipesfeeding the irrigation spray heads so as to m not waster chlorine in the reservoirs through dissipation. I recommend 2.5 ppm as an initail treatment reduced to 0.5 ppm as a residual level of chlorine. Tap water is allowed to contain up to 4 ppm at customers faucets. Thousands of growers of mj use tap water without any removal of chlorine. 10's of thousands of people water their houseplants, flowers and lawns with water containiing up to 4 ppm of chlorine. Plants can tolerate extremely high anounts of chlorine. they ac not tolerate chloride. Fish can tolerate high levels of chloride but not chlorine. Salt is sodium chloride. Plants can not tolerate high levels of chloride Caphese.

Hydrogen peroxide is a much stronger oxidizer than chlorine. It is much easier to cause problems using hydrogen peroxide than to use chlorox bleach.

Too many myths in forums and on the web. Have you heard of Pythoff. It is sold in two versions. Professional/commercial made with chloroamine or hobby grade made with chlorine.
the MSDS for hobby grade:;_ylu=X3oDMTEybGVibTBpBHNlYwNzcgRwb3MDMQRjb2xvA3NrMQR2dGlkA0g0NjVfNzk-/SIG=12mrpieok/EXP=1273131763/**

hmm ok nice to know ppm but gl finding a base measurement.

guess take a gallon or maybe use metric for ease

and try various levels of corox unscented non concentrated ppm start by adding 2ppm that might end up beinf. Like a ml of bleach idk. Havent tried it . Testing now..
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The gh product to keep rez clean i think was called floashield...

but if anyone can just figure out whatenzymes specifically can and are good to use for plantswould be awesome. Ive seen enzyme products forfish... if they can handle it im sure plants can...

im a fan of enzyme based cleaners in general.

i wouldnt be surprised if some companies add enzymes to their nutes to give their product a edge...
There is no bleach in tapwater, lol wtf?

Maybe you are confusing the smell of bleach with the smell of chlorine (bleach is sodium hypochlorite, or NaOCl because there is chlorine in tapwater, but bleach ... rofl.
Thanks for update!
You are correct!
there are different variations or chlorine compounds.... as guitar guy posted .

However bleach and chlorine are the same chemical.

variance if solid gas or liquid as well as a few other analogues... im not going to argue semantics.

via wikipedia.

".Chlorine, a powerful oxidizer, is the active agent in many household bleaches. Since pure chlorine is a toxic corrosive gas, these products usually contain hypochlorite, which releases chlorine when needed. "Bleaching powder" usually means a formulation containing calcium hypochlorite. "

Moving on though pool chlorine might be a good option, but its more

calcium hypochlorite - solid form ( maybe better for hydro if u lack calcium in ur tap)

Anyway back to the issue at hand.

bleach is chlorine what are thoughts on running chlorine higher than base tap in your reservoir?

or do you like to pay for over priced marketed hydro products that are typically just enzymes and chelating agents
Your very late to the party man. But welcome. A simple search of this site will reveal years of debate on the subject. People have been using pool shock(chlorine) as a sterilizer for a long time.
I used to use just plain old Clorox bleach, unscented of course back when I was doing hydro. Kept things crystal clean and nice white roots.
Hi, new member here. I posted this in another thread but this one seems more recent. Can I use sodium thiosulfate to dechlorinate the water after using the bleach? Sodium Thiosulfate is used for dechlorinating aquarium water.