Blogs - must be member to view?


Well-Known Member
When creating a blog it asks if it should be visible to "All visitors" or "Members only." The first choice implies that the blog can be visible to people who aren't logged in as an RIU member. However, it doesn't work this way. I can't view a blog unless I'm registered and logged in.

I think if the blog's permission were honored it would lead to RIU having more visitors (and, lead to more members). If blogs were indexed by search engines, it would lead to more people finding their way here. Also more opportunity to link to an RIU blog at other sites.

Imagine all the RIU search results if someone googles for "purple trainwreck grow journal" and gets a dozen RIU results.
all visitors implies that anyone can read it...ive read blogs offline not logged in and didnt realize i wasnt logged until i wanted to comment not sure whats going on with yours than

people google riu all the time generally threads pop up they wanna read peoples questions and specific user answers
if you search google you can get grow journals.

the blog feature doesnt show up in search mostly the blog feature is barely used by most members and limited people use it i would say blog journal is more for yourself than anything

i dont think admin will imply blogs to be featured in search engines it wouldve been done already if it could or was helpful
all visitors implies that anyone can read it...ive read blogs ... not logged in and didnt realize i wasnt logged until i wanted to comment...

Thank you for your reply. Did you use a smartphone app to view blogs when you weren't logged in?

When I view mine (set to "All Visitors") it won't let me. I'm using IE 11 and FF 32. The message is "You must be logged in to do that." This is the URL if you'd like to verify:

Thanks again. (If I should report this as a problem in the support forum, please let me know.).
Thank you for your reply. Did you use a smartphone app to view blogs when you weren't logged in?

When I view mine (set to "All Visitors") it won't let me. I'm using IE 11 and FF 32. The message is "You must be logged in to do that." This is the URL if you'd like to verify:

Thanks again. (If I should report this as a problem in the support forum, please let me know.).
no i was using a computer. you dont need tomake two threads though, its fine
i can report to admin i have limited abilities in the database and changing things like that isnt something i can do.