

Active Member
I've just topped one of my plants, this time ive noticed somehting that didnt happen in my previous grows, the bloody plant bled .. blood .. well the sap kinda looks like blood. Ive not seen red sap in it before (always translucent.
Id this just down to oxidisation of the iron in the sap, does the fact that theres enough of it to make the sap red mean I have too much of that nuit in the soil or something.

I hope its nothing bad, but it did make me sympathise with the poor plant, i dont like hurting them like that and seeing it bleed made me feel bad .. I did say sorry ... lol

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Active Member
Ok, someone found some info on another forum for me. Ill post it here just in case someone else needs this.

When you cut the stem or leaves, you may see the plant's sap momentarily spurt before the wound is plugged. The sap contains primarily the products of photosynthesis, in the form of sucrose (table sugar). Smaller amounts of materials associated with the living organism such as minerals, amino acids, and enzymes are also present. In marijuana, the sap is usually colourless, although a bright red colour - it looks like blood - is not uncommon in later life. The red colour is due to haematin compounds and anthocyanin pigments that naturally build up in some varieties. The red colour may also indicate a nutrient deficiency, notably of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, or magnesium.