Blue Cheese Nute Burn


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stoppin by! this is my first grow, i dont have any pics atm to post!

My blue cheese plant is around 3 weeks into veg! Hydro Grow DWC - every time new leafs grow they look as if nutes have gone onto them? they go brownish & turn crsipy? it starts from the tip of the leaf

im using canna aqua vega! ph was 5.5 . i noticed the ec was 0.9 and should be 1.4, i need to get some p.h up as when i add more nutes the ph drops to 4

canna states ph levels between 5.2 & 6.1 are fine?

any advice wud be great


Well-Known Member
You are using too much Nitrogen buddy. When your plant gets too much of something it shows on the leaves, with nitrogen burns it will keep coming up until its put back to what it needs. Try flushing your plant with water, a higher ph around 5.8

Hope that helps man !


Well-Known Member
Just a tip, When I grow I use 5.8-6.0 for Veg, and 5.5-5.6 for flowering. In week three of Veg, your plant seems to still have enough nitrogen, which is weird...Any other signs on the plant ? Are the tips burning into the leaves ? or does yellowing happen and then it burns in ?


Well-Known Member
You are using too much Nitrogen buddy. When your plant gets too much of something it shows on the leaves, with nitrogen burns it will keep coming up until its put back to what it needs. Try flushing your plant with water, a higher ph around 5.8

Hope that helps man !

thanks alot man that makes, so if i replace the nutes with pure ph 7 water this should go away? how long before i can start using nutes again?


Well-Known Member
Just a tip, When I grow I use 5.8-6.0 for Veg, and 5.5-5.6 for flowering. In week three of Veg, your plant seems to still have enough nitrogen, which is weird...Any other signs on the plant ? Are the tips burning into the leaves ? or does yellowing happen and then it burns in ?
thanks for the tip - yes the burns start from the tip and gradualy take over the whole leaf, starts from yellow then goes brown then crispy dry! :cry:


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% sure of when I stabilize around Soil grows...But, however I know my problems in plants and that for sure is Nitrogen Burn. It doesnt have to get on the leaves to burn it. Bump up the Ph of your water knock out the Nitrogen, and your plant will be fine....In about a week or so your plant will show signs of Nitrogen Deficiency ( Yellowing of leaves mainly New ones inside leave around tri-star ) When your plant has used up all the N it had, it will need more, So give it a few days when you stop seeing it or it starts to go away, then slowly add in Canna Veg has a high N so make sure your using it Properly :D
Cheers !


Well-Known Member
I am not 100% sure of when, I stabilize around Soil grows...But, however I know my problems in plants and that for sure is Nitrogen Burn. It doesnt have to get on the leaves to burn it. Bump up the Ph of your water knock out the Nitrogen, and your plant will be fine....In about a week or so your plant will show signs of Nitrogen Deficiency ( Yellowing of leaves mainly New ones inside leave around tri-star ) When your plant has used up all the N it had, it will need more, So give it a few days when you stop seeing it or it starts to go away, then slowly add in Canna Veg has a high N so make sure your using it Properly :D
Cheers !


Well-Known Member
Many thanks.
Im going to replace the nutes now with water until i see the yellowing N deficiency, then ill add some Canna! Your right about the high levels of N in Canna, first tym i gave my plant this it rocketed about 10cm in growth!