Blue Dream. 14 weeks of flower. I think .. .


Well-Known Member
She's about ready. I'm seeing amber Trichomes on ALL the buds now. & they are starting to feel dry. Or atleast I have the issue with dead sugar leaves here & there that I am going to remove in my trim. What do you guys think? This is my 1st grow. 1st harvest. So I appreciate the feedback. Have a great weekend.



Well-Known Member
Im on shit phone but im seeing mostly clear some milky more time imo but nice work getting your first grow to harvest


Well-Known Member
Lot of trolls on these sites. Although I've talked with several very knowledgeable growers. & I appreciate the advice along the way. I know. You told me last week 2 weeks to go. Stupid newbies. The nerve they have to ask for advice on a growing forum. S.m.h.


Well-Known Member
Tky may give them a run on my next go around
It's been alot of fun. & I also feel these Colas could be even bigger if I would not have stopped my nutes in week 8 of flower. I started them back a few weeks later. Although the damage was done (in the middle of bulking). You live & you learn. I plan on growing this strain again soon so I hope to do even better next time. Cheers!


Well-Known Member
She's about ready. I'm seeing amber Trichomes on ALL the buds now. & they are starting to feel dry. Or atleast I have the issue with dead sugar leaves here & there that I am going to remove in my trim. What do you guys think? This is my 1st grow. 1st harvest. So I appreciate the feedback. Have a great weekend.
You've got 4 weeks to go by the looks of it min. Be patient.


Well-Known Member
The reason your sugar leaves are drying up and dieing is because the plant has cannibalized them to get the nutrients it needs to complete it’s life cycle. If it still had fan leaves that wouldn’t have happened.

I don’t know if those all died because you stopped feeding it or if you removed them for some reason. Either way hopefully it was a learning experience.


Well-Known Member
The reason your sugar leaves are drying up and dieing is because the plant has cannibalized them to get the nutrients it needs to complete it’s life cycle. If it still had fan leaves that wouldn’t have happened.

I don’t know if those all died because you stopped feeding it or if you removed them for some reason. Either way hopefully it was a learning experience.
BIG Learning experience. I had "flush" on my mind around 9 weeks. Well, after I realized I fucked up & started on the nutes again.. it was too late. She was cannibalizing already. So no flushing for me for a while. Atleast till I learn more about long flower cycles. & I thought I fixed the issue. Guess not. Just trying to make it to harvest at this point. I just hope the smoke is still decent.


Well-Known Member
BIG Learning experience. I had "flush" on my mind around 9 weeks. Well, after I realized I fucked up & started on the nutes again.. it was too late. She was cannibalizing already. So no flushing for me for a while. Atleast till I learn more about long flower cycles. & I thought I fixed the issue. Guess not. Just trying to make it to harvest at this point. I just hope the smoke is still decent.
Flush... when they look done! If ever... I just reduced my ec down to 1.0 after 9 and a half weeks. But my buds looked further along than yours