Blue Dream Flowering Already?


This is my first year growing outdoors for the full season. Last year I started a few plants outside in July and harvested in Sptember, even though we were infested with bud worms.

This year we built a PVC greenhouse and put the plants out on April 5th. It is barely 60 days and the buds are developing more than I expected. Being that we are just coming into the longest day of the year, I expected the plants to be in veg state or possible pre flowering. I am wondering with the long day a coming if the plants will re enter vegetative state.

Is this a problem? will I be harvesting early? Are these plants screwed? I have read that if plants enter flowering, then revert back to veg, it can screw with their gender and THC production.

Please help me understand. Should I let them grow till the end of the season or are they going to mature early? I am located in San Diego, CA


Thanks Oj,
So basically you pulled them and trashed them?, or pull pulled them and threw them into a grow light room. . I currently have one 1000 watt 6X4 room on a bloom cycle, but have two more weeks till the plants in that room are complete. Do you think I have time to let them finish, then move the outdoor plants into the room to complete their cycle, or should I do it now?


Active Member
I have had the same happen in the past and again with a few ladies this year. I am just north of you in OC. Most will flower normally. Others will revegg. Hard to predict. can influence it somewhat by giving flowereing nutes to help started blooms develope or Vegg nutes to help snap them back into vegg. Mostly though they do what they want.LOL

Moving to your tent in 2 weeks is risky. The outdoor plants probably have a low level of mites and aphids controlled by preditors. Indoor that could go rampant.

Last consideration is the size of your ladies. If they are nice size and more than a couple of weeks into bloom your best gamble is probably to let them finish outside. Good luck to us both


Thanks ranger,
I agree. Bringing outdoor plants indoors would be risky to the plants already there. We have decided to keep the plants outside in the greenhouse, but I am going to build a heavy darkening shade to limit the cycle to 12/12' taking it off at 4:30am and covering back up at 6:00pm-ish depending on sunrise time. Thoughts anyone?


more than likely they had shitty roots wen u put them out

plus u put them out to early im north of u not far an we don't put shit out till the 1st jun an def. get 2.5-3 lb plants usually do 150ofthem an none flower
well i'm having the same problem in socal, i couldn't wait to get plants going, lots of time left in 2011 to get some pounds, but i think i'm just going to throw something over them to induce a 12 hour darkness period


It's no big deal, if the go into re-veg, the'll just take a lil longer to harvest [1-4 weeks], but they'll yield a hell of a lot more bud, if done right! one option you can do is if you can keep the re-veg going for about a week, as soon as they start to show veg growth, clip all the flowers and calyxes, giving you a little early sample, and in the end, with cause them to grow back bigger, much like pruning branches brings more branches! good luck!