Blue Lotus

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member

Is anybody here familiar with this plant? Maybe 15 years ago I crushed up a bunch of these and mixed them with mead wine and split the bottle with a friend. I noticed nothing more than the buzz from the mead...

From what I'm reading there's certainly psychoactive compounds in the flower... I bought some and am looking for a way to try it that's safe ..for me to notice the effects

any stories... feel free to share...

It dosent do much bro... the one real lotus that the lotus eaters used is about gone and indangerd.. that blue lotus they sell dosent do like claimed..
It dosent do much bro... the one real lotus that the lotus eaters used is about gone and indangerd.. that blue lotus they sell dosent do like claimed..

I tried it before and it didnt do anything but I'm reading Erowid about users who have experienced effects. Need more research...

And I think the lotus eaters were smoking opium... just from what I gather from all of the theories out there...
I tried it before and it didnt do anything but I'm reading Erowid about users who have experienced effects. Need more research...

And I think the lotus eaters were smoking opium... just from what I gather from all of the theories out there...
I research the piss about every athnogen i could and use... most dont do shit..
If i remember correctly people on erwid were saying they could get buzzed on wild lettuce aka opiom lettuce.. the shit just calmed me down like tylenol pm's and gave me restless legs syndrom all night.. fucking sucked..
But i do realize eveyone is different and to someone with zero expiernce with any kind of drug would think ethno's got them high.
Like i said.. ive tried almost everyone.. only a couple did something for me..
There is people ive heard of using kava kava(piper methysticum) to get off of benzo's or booze.. i didnt use it for those reasons, but it does work.. kind of a calm euphoric body high with some head.. you need to drink quite a bit though..

Edit: i tried it to get off opiates .. helped alittle but didnt work..
I'd love to try whatever those lotus eaters were using. I don't like pain pills, never liked them, never tried heroine although ide be very interested in smoking some dirty/raw opium harvest straight from the plant before it's refined into clean opium and then further into heroin...

I'd love to chew some coca leaves if they allowed it in here. Cocaine days are long gone. I don't like hallucinogens' or anything that makes me feel out of control.

As I get older I don't want anything that taxes my body too much. Tried Kava kava. Kratom also, I think.

My interest is purely on light-moderate psycho-active experiences by natural means. I'm a lightweight with everything except maybe alcohol, and i only drink mead now which is easy to control..

I don't even smoke weed, only second hand from an incense burner tray burning right under my nose.
If youre interested in opium just grow some plants.. theyre some what easy to get ahold of the true poppies.. some times Mccormic brand poppy seed will grow.. better chance with the organic Mccormic then the regular.. ive gotten both to grow.. but some times they get raidiated or something making them duds.. Mccormic brand are tazzi seeds.

exjordanary has legit poppy seeds. or also has some.. she use to go by little poppy mamma on youtube but all of her videos are gone now..
But she does have a web site
Ebay has all kinds of poppy seeds (papaver somniferum )
But most are bred out to low quality..
So the best way there would to be to buy bulk..
Fresh raw Bulk seeds can be washed then evaporated to flake opiom which is smokable.
But with poppies i just use the pods or seed for tea.. same effect and easy to dose..
Yup. I got a bunch of different kinds from ebay. Including Gigantum, which are supposed to be larger.

I live in a city, currently, but when I get a place in the country I'm going to work on it. Problem is you have to grow a ton of them... which doesn't make working in your own little poppy field with a little sickle and a collection cup the safest thing in the world.