Blue Mystic auto/fem 300w CFL - 2nd soil grow


Active Member
The setup: Reflective lined cabinet (in a shed) 4’ tall, 4’ wide and 10” deep 8 CFL (4-40w day/4-40w soft) and 2 regular T5 tubes running vertically for lower lighting. Ventilation is 1 lower mounted squirrel cage style bathroom vent for an intake from outdoor air, set to blow onto the leaves. Exhaust is top mounted same bathroom vent venting into the shed. Intake can be switched to pull a/c regulated air from inside the shed to control humidity (or temps) when needed. Home is the deep South, so it will get heated quick as the months pass. RH is steady around 50% and temps are around 76-85. I haven't fertilized yet, but soon will use Dyna-gro Foliage pro every other week. Distance to the bulbs is about 2-3 inches.

Time for round 2! Round 1 went pretty well, and the short version is, it was a very strong beautiful healthy plant... until she showed me her balls! Rats! No matter, he just helped tweak the bucket, cabinet, then 2nd cabinet, and shed for the REAL plants. The girls!

Read the long version here -

Started this seed into a jiffy pod on March 1, the pod was seated in a 5" fabric bucket with Foxfarm (the brown bag not the blue) with 10% organic pearlite. I was planning to only transplant 1 time this round, either straight into a cloth 5 gal container, or a 3 gal plastic container. Being an auto flower, I'm not sure if it will even need something so big as 5 gal. Also, the stem length is pretty long compared to my last plant (f*ck that dude ha), I was just going to bury it deeper when I move it into the bigger pot. I did read a sticky somewhere about bending the stem before you bury it and roots will reform there, I'm not too sure about that (scared). I killed a random seedling already trying to transplant it too early the first time. Also, I pulled off a pretty good LST in round 1 - but I had lots of time it wasn't auto, but I guess I'll just have to see how this thing grows then decide how to train it.

Any suggestions?

(note) this photo isn't in the big cabinet, it's in the seedling cabinet so it's not as wide.
6 Week Birthday! Since my first grow was during the cooler months, this grow is already very different. There's a bit of a leaf problem, I have a few theories as to what is going on. I've taken her out of the cabinet about 3 days in a row (just to give the cabinet a rest) that were FULL sun and light breeze, 82 degrees. Seemed like ideal conditions, but soon after that the problems started. Maybe because it was sitting on the super hot bed-liner of the truck (and it got watered there).... I'm thinking maybe a PH issue, or just root shock from the heat of the truck, and maybe it was just too hot outside. I did get a minor sunburn on the back of my shoulders just tending to plants. I doubt that it's nute burn, as I've only fertilized twice and not at full strength (but it's still in the back of my mind).

The cabinet was so freakin hot 88 degrees, even with the a/c running, I'll have to figure out more air flow/circulation quickly. Cabinet has been left open, and a/c (window unit) was only running at 1/2 power, bumped it up to full - now it's at 81 degrees, and 37 RH. The strain is listed at 8-9 weeks to flower, so I'm guessing I shouldn't do any training at 6 weeks, maybe a rookie scrog if I dare to mess with this auto-baby too much...


I've also started a random seed side by side with this one, and it has the same issues. You can see the leaf problem a little better. It's not just the top leaves either, it's also base leaves, but there's not too much of a curl. The plan is to do a PH test of the run-off, then flush with PH tested water. (last grow this problem didn't happen, so this will be my first PH testing)

I've only bent the main stalk down for some reason, I'll probably dump this plant soon, it's only there for experimental purposes.
I realized that I was way off on the timing, the above post was only at 4 weeks. (need an app for this!) Anyways, I'm right at 6 weeks now.... I had quite a few issues since then, the PH was tested perfect, water was at 7.1 going in and 6.1 runoff. I did have about everything happen at once. The leaf problem was minor at best, but there was a heat issue where I got a bit of a taco curl, then I gave it a rest from lights seemed to help also. (running 24/0, + supplementing natural sun, have since removed the sun, woah :P) Then it got a little too dry, so I watered with some standing tap water that only was left overnight, PH tested it AFTER I watered it and PH was at 9.0!!!! Soooo, rookie mistake again (I really should not smoke when doing this, nah)... so I decided to give it a little flush since I was watering anyways. She didn't like that one bit, drooped very low, so I leave her alone, not even 2 days and she's DRY as a bone again, ok this late in the game, she's recovering nicely but something is still wrong. I decided yesterday to just move her with as little stress as possible. She was in a 3 gal pot, but by this point there was only about 4-6" soil in there including the top layer, I knew she was root bound. I filled a 5 gal cloth smart pot and wet the bottom layer, with an indention the size of the 3 gal. Pulled her out of the pot and yes indeed, root bound and down. I barely disrupted a spec of soil and dropped it right in the 5 gal, back filled the sides and finish off the watering. I didn't want to fluff the roots like I would do with most regular plants, I just didn't want to disturb her any more than I already was this late in the game.

I'm not exactly sure when she started flowering, but my best guess would be around Apr. 4 (day 35). Hard to believe there are still many weeks to go, she seems much happier in the new pot.

Here's a top view from only 2 days apart. Day 42/44
Day 42.JPG Day 44.JPG

She's about 13 inches tall, the main stalk is barely bent to the side and all other nodes are spread out as a bottom layer.
Just some flowering pics... RH is a concern, around 60% (it rained for a week at 80+ degrees) Day 47 - 6.5 weeks

1.JPG 2.JPG 4.JPG 21.JPG 22.JPG