Blue Mystic Grow Making Me Happy


Active Member
This is my second grow and so far I am more than pleased with it. Thanks to the RIU community for getting me to this point. My first grow from some bonus seeds turned out to be a sativa strain and is in the final week of flower (those take forever). I started these 2 Blue Mystics on 2 Mar and they just took off. Put them into flower last week and started checking for sex a couple says later. To my surprise they now only showed up as girls but had already started forming flowers (first grow took almost a week and a half before any formed). Just checked them again today and am already seeing ♥trichomes♥ (Wow). These girls are filling up the width of my 4 foot tent and are about 3 feet tall. Looking forward to harvesting my first plant in a couple weeks but these girls are already looking good. Thanks again to you all at RIU as the thousands of posts I have read definitely helped. IMG_1294.jpgIMG_1295.jpgIMG_1297.jpg


Well-Known Member
Nice looking grow, but by the looks of them I doubt you'll be able to harvest in a couple of weeks, glad to here we all helped, that's what we're here for, good luck with your grow.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with DT.

"Put them into flower last week"

suggests that

"Looking forward to harvesting my first plant in a couple weeks"

is more likely to be a couple months.

I am sure that the result will be well worth the wait.

Good luck,



Active Member
Not harvesting these but the sativa strain from my first grow. It would be nice if these girls were done in a couple weeks but I heard they have an estimatrd 50-60 day flower time on them. They still have a ways to go.