Blueberry Flowering Time?


Well-Known Member
How many weeks did you flower DJ Shorts Blueberry before harvest? It says 8 weeks but is the 8 weeks from the start of 12/12 or the start of flowering? I have also heard that you need to flower it for 10 weeks to get its maximum potential. Is this true? My Blueberry grown outdoors is 55 days from 12/12 or 49 days since showing signs of flowering. I know that many RIU members have experience growing Blueberry so I just wanted to find out what is the ideal harvest time?


Active Member
I had a few females out of DJ's, and all mine went about 60 days, I chopped one at 56 days. That's the start of flowering, not 12/12.

Mine was indoors, and yes, some do go 9 weeks. But under micro, my trichs were 50% amber at 8 weeks. Also, on my shorter plant, the calyxes turned purple around week six