Blueberry grow


Hi all
My first post and also my first grow. First, I want to thank you all for the valuable information shared on this site. I have learned and still learning a lot from it.
I have to say that there are almost 2 months since the 4 blueberries seeds have germinated and i have done a lot of mistakes (bad soil, high ph, poor ventilation), so they had a very slow start.
They have grown in my wardrobe under 300w cfls until a week ago when i decided it's time to give them a proper home.
Ordered these:
- DR100 tent (1m x 1m x 2m)
- 400w MH, 400w HPS, 400w ballast and air cooled hood
- 150mm carbon filter, intake and exhaust fans


Here's how they look today, 6 days after they have been moved to the new home and transplanted to 18L pots in biobizz all mix soil. They really like the new conditions. I am sure that they would have been way bigger if i had the tent from the start.
The ones from behind are about 40 cm tall, the one from the lower right is 25 cm but very bushy and the little one from the left is... little. She is younger than the rest (because i accidentally killed a seedling) and also had improper conditions at start.
I am hoping to get at least a girl, so I will be vegetating them for a while because i think there is plenty of available space. For the next grow I'll definitely order some feminized seeds.
What do you guys think the maximum plant height should be before i switch to 12/12 under my conditions (2m height tent and 400w light)?



A lot of side growth happened in 2 days; their height is now 45, 40 and 35 cm. I decided it's flowering time (starting tomorrow morning), and as no one replied to my above question, will give them no dark period before the switch. Hoping that the 2 big ones are not males... Also, tomorrow will feed them 0.5ml grow, 0.5 ml bloom, 0.5 ml topmax.



Active Member
dark period's are useful at the start of flowering, it actually kick starts the bloom process. Looks like they have got much healthier since week 2, well done on bringing them back to life! all plants generally stretch 2 - 3times the height they were before flowering. What seed bank are your blueberries?


Giving them a dark period starting from today means that I should start the lights on Sunday morning, which is not possible, because I will be drunk then :)
I will just start 12/12 tomorrow morning; I don't want to vegetate any longer because I'm afraid that they will overgrow my tent.
Seeds were ordered from


Flowering day 1
Timer switched to 12/12, hps installed. Pictures are not the best quality (taken with my mobile).



I think i see hairs on 2 of the plants, but can't say for sure. Is it possible after 1 day of flowering? I hope to have time tomorrow to buy a camera for better pictures.


Received the camera today and managed to shoot 2 nice pictures of the hairs of one plant but somehow the site lowers it quality after upload. Is there any other way to upload the files on this site and keep the original quality? (except linking from other sites)
I'm very glad that i have at least 2 girls, still waiting to identify the biggest plant. Hope that the girls will stay girls...



Flowering day 8
The big plant and the very little one turned to be males and had to cut them down, so continuing with these 2 nice girls.
