Thanks for the link frmrboi, its often a bugger to figure out which breeder to go with.
URW, a couple of years a go there must of been half a dozen companies selling "blue haze"
You can't go wrong buying The British Columbia Seed Co seeds, they're like Canada's "Serious Seeds"
Anyways here's a reverse cross of two name brand strains made by another Canadian breeder Legends Seeds who are partners with DJ Short in some strains.
"An Original "Neville's Haze" female crossed with a slightly sativa-leaning Blueberry male. The "Haze" has a green-citrus boquette with borderline woody undertones, while the Blueberry male adds a sweet-fruity flavor. Due to the genetic difference between the "Neville's Haze" female and the "Blueberry" male (both considered a P1 generation in this cross) I anticipate a uniform f1 hybrid from the cross along with very healthy hybrid vigor (high yield potential). Also, the f2's (and beyond) crossed from these f1's will probably prove very diverse. A party just waiting to happen!"
there's grow files for this one on ICMag's forum