blueberry plant??


Active Member
i have a strange growing my own little buddy here and was remembering back in 3rd grade when my teacher used to grow a plant or celery in water and add food coloring and the plant would turn that color.. do you think if i started watering my plant from birth with like blueberry water or water with blueberries in the the plant would soak it up and would taste blue berrry ish??? i know its a funny concept just wandering if anyone had any knowledge on this???


Well-Known Member
there was a thread a while back
took a mature bud put it in food couloring
it sucked it up turn coulor
i think he did grape juice as well
report was it taste terrrible


Well-Known Member
...couldnt he just adjust the ph as normal. i dont think it would work though. im pretty sure alot of ppl have allready tried it and i've never heard of anything like that working. and i agree with weezer that the taste would probably be worse.