Blueberry tricks


Active Member
So I started some blueberry from seed a while ago and just got done cutting some clones and sexing them so I know the seeds I have are female!! YAH!! So I've got these nice female blueberry clones going bout 8 days already and showing tap roots, so I know they are healthy. But heres what I'm getting at, I have never grown this strain before and many people tell me its tempermental, when I ask why they say "It just is". So can anyone give me some advice on this plant? If it is tricky then why? I know this plant seems to yield amazing smoke when done right. Thanks for any help.


Active Member
I can't remember if it was on here or somewhere else, but I've read several different times that you won't get the full potential yield form these plants without FIM or topping them...I would search this site and then google for supercropping and FIM blueberry