booster fan for intake?


Well-Known Member
I live in colorado and during the winter it is really dry in the bedroom i am growing in, my question is can i just pull air from the window during the snowy winter into the tent, i think the air outside the tent will be really dry and unpleasant for the plant. So i figure fresh air would be best, but is it too cold and wet?


Well-Known Member
I live in colorado and during the winter it is really dry in the bedroom i am growing in, my question is can i just pull air from the window during the snowy winter into the tent, i think the air outside the tent will be really dry and unpleasant for the plant. So i figure fresh air would be best, but is it too cold and wet?
If its on a temp controller. Why not? Just don't have the intake blowing that 20 degree air directly on your plants point towards light to cool the room.


Active Member
im wondering if i can add a booster fan to my PASSIVE intake at the bottom of my cab to help "aid" the passive intake in pulling more fresh air into my tent?
would this work or is the passive intake enough ?


Active Member
You can't add too much air it does a lot for plants. All winter I've had only mechanical intake, fresh cold thermostatically controlled air. Plants,table,light kept below 3' and the heat. Best harvests I've had but my sister came by and thought I had an outdoor run going from the smell in my driveway. So gotta fig out odor control. Any info appreciated links whatever. Need filter component breakdown for real quality products.