borer, borers, and borerz


Active Member
Don't know what kind they are I am guessing a type of moth. I have borers in the tops of my little plants that I got outt late due to the facvt I lost all 8 of the main plants I had in my main grow area. This is outside btw. But what do I do to salvage what I have. I used pyrethins, neem-oil mix to coat the plants the other night Kinda scared to spray them alot since they are budding. If u want pics I cna get em. But my best of dealing with these fuckers is to pull them out of the stems and crush them on the ground. They are yellowish in color larvae.


Well-Known Member
Spray bt on the plants and remove the bastards by hand. Injecting each spot with a drop of bt solution is supposed to work. It seems prevention is best as sprays don't get to em. That all I could find on it.