boron def.?


Active Member
my first post was in the wrong forum i think...anyway my girls have been slowly yellowing with stunted growth and slow growing. now, i noticed there is a rusty apperance in the middle of the leaf it seems to be progressing over the past month.i had the same prob last yr and i think i might have figured it out just want to be sure.Boron following floranova nute sched.but i think its my surrounding area is considered arid coastal climate so the soil is sandy loamy and decomp. granite.some plants read 6.6 to 7.0 on, if it is whats the best way to fix it? and the yellowing starts at the tips and goes inward 9-2-11 005 (533x800).jpg9-2-11 001 (800x533).jpg9-2-11 002 (533x800).jpg9-2-11 003 (533x800).jpg


If you can pin point the exact deficiency and you put your mind to it you could be a rocket scientist!
Gotta lookout from the coastal dirt~:lol: