Bottom Fan leaves turing yellow 2 weeks into flowering


Active Member
Is this normal? One just fell off by itself and the other one is turing light green/yellow. The rest of the plant is green and totally fine. Is this normal this early in flowering?:leaf: Thanks in advance.

RedEyeJedi UK

Well-Known Member
I would say its normal 4 weeks into flowering... but 2 ?? come on guys!!

I would say - you stopped using veg nutes too early... You should of only just stopped using your veg nutes! IMO


New Member
Normal for leave to yellow during flower. N in flower nute is lower and it get used up by'll usually happen all over the plant as time goes on..just give a light tug..if they come off fine...


Active Member
Perfectly normal man. They just fall off to give all of the plant's energy to focus on making nice dank buds, mine are doing the exact same, but keep in mind only a few along te very bottom clasest to the stem should turn yellow. In a month and a half you'll have some fat skunky buds! ;S